Clipper settings

Clipper comes pre-loaded with settings to change how your site functions. The basic settings for Clipper can be found under the Settings page in the Clipper menu.



  • Scheme: Choose one of the five available color schemes.
  • Slider: Enable / disable the coupon slider on the home page
  • Favicon: Upload your favicon
  • Feedburner url: Add your feedburner url
  • Twitter id: Add your Twitter handle
  • Facebook id: Add your Facebook id of your page.
  • Analytics code: Use this option to add your Google Analytics code.


  • In this section you can choose which posts (pages, posts, coupons) will be searchable in your site.You can enable / disable pages and posts, by default Clipper will return all coupons that match your search query.You can also save your search queries for faster results.



  • Editing:Allow users to edit and republish their coupons
  • Prune Coupons:Automatically remove expired coupons
  • Registration: Require a user account before submitting coupons
  • Allowed File Types:When submitting a printable coupon, only allow these file types to be uploaded (i.e. png,gif,jpg). Comma separated, no spaces.


Once enabled, make sure to setup your payment settings.

  • Charge for Coupons: Start accepting payments
  • Coupon Price: Amount you will charge to post a coupon

Coupons Page

  • Coupon Code: Don’t show the coupon code until after they click on it
  • Unreliable Coupons: Exclude unreliable coupons from the home page
  • Views Counter: Show a daily and total views counter
  • Link to Page: Hide links to single coupon pages
  • Cloak Links: Hide coupon and store outgoing URLs
  • Direct Links: Open outbound coupon links in a new browser tab
  • Allow HTML: Permit users to use HTML within their coupon listings


  • Coupons: Manually approve and publish each new coupon
  • Stores: Manually approve and publish each new store




  • WP-Admin: Restrict access by specific user role to your WordPress back end
  • reCaptcha: Enable A free anti-spam service provided by Google


  • In this section you can add a adsense ad or an image ad in your single coupon, category and search results pages.



  • Prune Coupons: Click the link to manually run the function that checks all coupons expiration and prunes any coupons that are expired. This event will run only one time.
  • Reset Votes: Resets the vote counters for all coupons.
  • Reset Stats: Resets the stat counters for all coupons and posts.
  • Reset Search: Resets the search engine stats.


  • Disable Toolbar: Hide the WordPress toolbar for logged in users
  • Disable Login Page: Prevents users from accessing wp-login.php directly


  • Disable Stylesheets: Turn off all styles (advanced users only)
  • Enable Debug Mode: Print out the $wp_query->query_vars array at the top of your website
  • Use Google CDN: Speed up your website and save bandwidth by using their hosted jQuery
  • Hide Version: Remove the WordPress version meta tag from your website

 Custom URLs

  • This controls the base names of your website urls. Do not change this once your site is established. You must resave your permalinks for any changes to take effect.


In this section you can set how reporting a coupon works, in case there is a problem with it.

  • Registered Users: Only Only allow registered users to report problems.
  • Notification Email: Send me an email when a problem has been reported.
  • Report Post Values: set the cases where a coupon is considered problematic (Invalid Coupon Code, Expired Coupon etc)
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