ClassiPress Version 3.3.1

On August 24th 2013, ClassiPress 3.3.1 was released. This is a minor release fixing a bugs and adding a few minor features. Upgrading is recommended. It includes bug fixes and improvements to mobile. Fixed 72 tickets total.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or visit and click on My Account to download the updated version.


  • Fixed wpdb::escape deprecated notice on WP 3.6
  • Fixed php strict standards errors
  • Fixed sql errors when mysql in strict mode
  • Fixed searching pages
  • Fixed display problems with sub-categories in dropdown
  • Fixed colorbox title on single ad page
  • Fixed contact form anti-spam validation
  • Fixed applying categories dropdown menu to wrong items
  • Fixed issue with jQuery Validation languages codes
  • Fixed overlaying search suggest by slider
  • Fixed adding slashes on settings page
  • Fixed issue with dropdown menus and language packs
  • Fixed conflict with categories widget when placed in footer sidebar
  • Fixed membership requirement by category
  • Fixed responsive view for recaptcha, coupon code field and bank transfer information
  • Fixed error placement for dropdown menus in Chrome when SelectBox enabled
  • Fixed timezone issues with registration and orders date
  • Fixed issue with Coupons plugin when discount exceed total amount to pay
  • Fixed issue where id of menu was generated dynamically
  • Corrected some translatable strings
  • Fixed breaking all words on mobile devices
  • Corrected tooltip information for ‘Available Categories’ field in form layout
  • Fixed responsivness of images with caption
  • Fixed containers on the Add New and Membership pages
  • Fixed text alignment on iPad
  • Fixed category selection on Add New page which could not work on some servers
  • Fixed issue where users could post duplicate ads by using browser back button
  • Fixed issue where ‘Auto Draft’ link was added to receipe emails
  • Fixed issue with featured ads when WPML plugin was used


  • Added pre-installing widgets in sidebars on theme installation
  • Added new System Info page with option to download reports
  • Added ‘ad reference id’ into searchable fields
  • Added membership pack expired information to user sidebar
  • Changed dropdown list indentation on mobile devices
  • Added refine search for text fields
  • Added styles for Twitter Widget Pro plugin
  • Added filter hook ‘cp_get_content_preview’ on content preview
  • Added filter hooks to emails
  • Changed transition time for control tabs, will switch faster
  • Changed loading mobile libraries regardless of device
  • Removed twitter widget due to changes on twitter side, as replacement use Twitter Widget Pro plugin
  • Removed integration with User Photo plugin, as replacement use WP User Avatar plugin
  • Added custom icon for ads in wp-admin
  • Added styles for calendar widget
  • Updated SelectBox JS library
  • Changed displaying ‘login disabled’ warning, displaying only on settings page now
  • Improved displaying the ‘price per category’ and ‘membership by category’ options, have hierarchy tree now
  • Changed tooltips in admin to work on click
  • Added ‘check all’ button to category checklist
  • Renamed ‘New Ad Status’ option to ‘Moderate Ads’
  • Renamed admin css file
  • Enabled TinyNav for devices with screen size up to 800px
  • Added touch events to jQuery UI on mobile devices
  • Added characters limit in the price field, default is 15
  • Added ‘tests’ library for unit testing
  • Hided blog posts tab on author page when author have no posts
  • Moved welcome widget to the top of home page on mobile devices
  • Improved compatibility with WPML plugin, please update also WPML Bridge plugin

Files Modified

Modified		author.php
Modified		changelog.txt
Modified		classipress.pot
Modified		framework
Modified		functions.php
Modified		header.php
Added			images/admin-icon-ads-32.png
Added			images/twitter-sprite.png
Modified		includes/admin/admin-enqueue.php
Modified		includes/admin/admin-options.php
Modified		includes/admin/admin-post-types.php
Modified		includes/admin/admin-scripts.js
Modified		includes/admin/admin-settings.php
Deleted			includes/admin/admin-style.css
Added			includes/admin/admin-system-info.php
Modified		includes/admin/admin-updates.php
Modified		includes/admin/admin-values.php
Added			includes/admin/admin.css
Modified		includes/admin/install-script.php
Modified		includes/admin/write-panel.php
Modified		includes/appthemes-functions.php
Modified		includes/forms/index.php
Modified		includes/forms/step1-membership.php
Modified		includes/forms/step1.php
Modified		includes/forms/step2-membership.php
Modified		includes/forms/step2.php
Modified		includes/forms/step3-membership.php
Modified		includes/forms/step3.php
Added			includes/js/jquery.selectBox.js
Added			includes/js/jquery.selectBox.min.js
Deleted			includes/js/jtweetsanywhere/images/bg-btn.gif
Deleted			includes/js/jtweetsanywhere/jtweetsanywhere.css
Deleted			includes/js/jtweetsanywhere/jtweetsanywhere.min.js
Deleted			includes/js/selectbox.min.js
Modified		includes/js/theme-scripts.js
Modified		includes/payments
Modified		includes/theme-actions.php
Modified		includes/theme-cron.php
Modified		includes/theme-deprecated.php
Modified		includes/theme-emails.php
Modified		includes/theme-enqueue.php
Modified		includes/theme-functions.php
Modified		includes/theme-payments.php
Modified		includes/theme-profile.php
Modified		includes/theme-refine.php
Modified		includes/theme-searchbar.php
Modified		includes/theme-widgets.php
Modified		includes/views.php
Modified		search.php
Modified		sidebar-ad.php
Modified		sidebar-user.php
Modified		sidebar.php
Modified		style.css
Added			tests/lib
Modified		tpl-add-new.php
Modified		tpl-membership-purchase.php
Modified		tpl-profile.php
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Rating: 4 - 8 votes

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