Vantage Version 4.2.0

On November 21, 2018, Vantage 4.2.0 was released. This is a major release introducing AppMaps module implementation as well as some UI improvements.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to Vantage. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.


  • “Near field” search disappears in the mobile view.


  • Implemented AppThemes AppMaps module:
    • Now it’s possible to use AppMaps plugins which will allow alternatives to the Google Maps API that comes standard with Vantage.
    • Two plugins can be used “AppMaps Bing” and “AppMaps Mapquest”. Further more.
    • Map settings moved to a new location: Admin > Vantage > Geo Services. This is done for AppMaps plugins.
    • Maps provider and Geocoding provider now have separated settings pages, which will allow setting different service providers and different API keys.
    • The “Location” (“Near”) field in the search form now implements “Address Autosuggest” feature from the AppMaps module. Now it can use other services, for example, “Bing Autosuggest API” or “Mapquest Place Search API”, not only the “Google Place Search API”.
    • Implemented Smart Radius in location search. Now, if Default Radius option is empty, location search will calculate radius depending on search request. For example, search by country will cover all country, not the standard 50 mi/km from the center.
    • Added shortcode [vantage_listings_map]. Now you can display the listing map in any place on your site. It just needs to have at least one listing on the page.
    • IMPORTANT! Geo coordinates migrated from postmeta to separated table app_geodata. But existing geodata in postmeta table is still there for backward compatibility.
    • There are big changes in Maps javascript lib. If you use some plugins related to maps – make sure they are already updated according to new AppMaps API.
    • The “Address” field has got a map with a draggable marker, so now it’s possible to set location on the map instead of typing address.
    • Fields “Find” and “Near” added to “Refine Results” widget and the appear on small screens.
  • Deprecated functions and classes:
    • va_listing_geo_coordinates()
    • APP_Google_Geocoding – deprecated, but left some uses for backward compatibility.
  • Deprecated hooks:
    • appthemes_google_map_url
    • appthemes_google_map_settings
    • appthemes_google_map_styles
    • appthemes_google_geo_fields
    • appthemes_google_geo_data_results
  • Deprecated options (but still usable for backward compatibility):
    • google_maps_region
    • google_maps_language
    • google_maps_unit
    • google_maps_api_key
    • google_radius
    • google_max_radius
    • google_color_scheme
    • google_maps_marker_color
  • Deprecated libs:
    • RichMarker.js lib removed in favor of using common AppMaps SVG Map Pins (Markers)

Files Modified

Modified		.gitmodules
Modified		assets/css/style-rtl.css
Modified		assets/css/style-rtl.min.css
Modified		assets/css/style.css
Modified		assets/css/style.min.css
Deleted			assets/js/lib/richmarker/richmarker.js
Deleted			assets/js/lib/richmarker/richmarker.min.js
Modified		assets/js/src/google-maps.js
Modified		assets/js/src/theme-admin.js
Modified		assets/js/theme-admin-scripts.js
Modified		assets/js/theme-admin-scripts.min.js
Modified		assets/js/theme-scripts.js
Modified		assets/js/theme-scripts.min.js
Modified		assets/scss/partials/_header.scss
Modified		assets/scss/partials/_maps.scss
Added			assets/scss/partials/_searchbar.scss
Modified		assets/scss/style.scss
Modified		bower.json
Modified		changelog.txt
Modified		functions.php
Modified		grunt/contrib-uglify.js
Modified		grunt/sync.js
Modified		includes/admin/class-admin-importer.php
Modified		includes/admin/class-admin-setup.php
Modified		includes/admin/upgrade/upgrade.php
Modified		includes/class-refine-search.php
Deleted			includes/class-search.php
Modified		includes/class-shortcodes.php
Modified		includes/class-structured-data.php
Modified		includes/core
Modified		includes/deprecated.php
Modified		includes/enqueue-scripts.php
Added			includes/geo
Modified		includes/listings/class-business-listing-geocode.php
Modified		includes/maps/class-google-geocoding.php
Modified		includes/maps/class-google-maps.php
Modified		includes/maps/load.php
Deleted			includes/maps/maps-functions.php
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/apple.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/blue-essence.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/blue-hues.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/blue-water.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/cream.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/light-dream.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/midnight-commander.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/night.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/pale-dawn.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/paper.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/red-hues.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/retro.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/standard.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/subtle-grayscale.json
Deleted			includes/maps/schemes/ultra-light.json
Modified		includes/options.php
Modified		includes/template-tags.php
Modified		includes/theme-support.php
Modified		includes/views/class-listing-search.php
Modified		includes/widgets/class-widget-listing-map.php
Modified		languages/vantage.pot
Modified		parts/nav-mobile-menu.php
Modified		parts/widget-listing-map.php
Modified		parts/widget-listing-refine-search.php
Modified		searchform-listing.php
Modified		style.css
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