Vantage Version 4.1.4

On February 21, 2018, Vantage 4.1.4 was released. This release addresses a handful of bugs and introduces few minor improvements.


  • Chrome browser would not scroll to the bottom to display all ads.
  • Click on any ad on Author’s page returns to the same ad.
  • Issue when using multiple checkboxes on the form the Listing details shows “Array”.
  • No media box when edit the listing in back-end.
  • Radius argument is not counted on initial search, so results show every location in the world instead of a limited area of a specified country.
  • Fixed “Renew” Listing link in the “Listing Expire” email content.
  • Button for packages is way too small on mobile device. Now that button will shown with the full width, unless the screen get < 475px width.


  • Added options to rename Listing Pricing Addons (i.e. “Feature on Homepage”) on the Payments -> Settings -> Listings page.
  • Added options ‘Default Search Radius’ and ‘Maximum Search Radius’.
  • Added option to bypass Select Plan step.
  • Added option to set default Pricing Plan Description.
  • Cut off long listing titles on the loop items. The title now one line only.
  • Cut off if too many listing categories on the loop items. The categories now one line only.

Files Modified

Modified 404.php
Modified assets/css/foundation.css
Modified assets/css/foundation.min.css
Modified assets/css/style-rtl.css
Modified assets/css/style-rtl.min.css
Modified assets/css/style.css
Modified assets/css/style.min.css
Modified assets/scss/mixins/_theme.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_base.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_page-archive.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_page-author.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_page-post.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_tables.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_wordpress.scss
Modified changelog.txt
Modified functions.php
Modified includes/class-refine-search.php
Modified includes/core
Modified includes/helpers.php
Modified includes/maps/class-google-maps.php
Modified includes/menus.php
Modified includes/options.php
Modified includes/template-tags.php
Modified includes/theme-support.php
Modified includes/views/class-listing-search.php
Modified languages/vantage.pot
Modified parts/content-post-item.php
Modified parts/content-search.php
Modified parts/widget-featured-listing.php
Added select-addons.php
Modified style.css
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