ClassiPress Version 3.6.1

On November 21, 2017, ClassiPress 3.6.1 was released. This is a regular maintenance release addresses a handful of bugs.

Updating is highly recommended.

Upgrade Information

You can automatically upgrade directly from your WordPress admin. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to ClassiPress. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.


  • Fixed max image size in back-end media uploader.
  • Fixed Search Index of array meta values.
  • Fixed reCaptcha issues with ‘raw curl’ (eg. like on localhost)
  • Fixed reCaptcha issues with proxy – raw recaptcha lib wasn’t using the wp proxy config
  • Fixed the metabox help icon position
  • Fixed WordPress compatibility issue in APP_View_Page::_register_new_templates()
  • Fixed category walker warning
  • Hide empty categories doesn’t work for Parents, only for children


  • Raised minimal supported WordPress version to 4.7.4, added version warning message.
  • Added dismissible option for updater plugin nag.
  • Allow to use empty post_author and post_date in importer rows so it will use actual (current) values instead of empty ones.

Files Modified

Added .testenv
Modified changelog.txt
Modified framework
Modified functions.php
Modified includes/admin/listing-single.php
Modified includes/functions.php
Modified includes/payments
Modified includes/recaptcha
Modified includes/search-index
Modified languages/classipress.pot
Modified style-rtl.css
Modified style.css
Modified theme-framework
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