Taskerr Version 1.1

On October 14th 2014, Taskerr 1.1 (our WordPress micro jobs theme) was released. This is a minor release including bug fixes and small improvements. Upgrading is recommended.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or visit www.appthemes.com and click on My Account to download the updated version.


  • Allow sorting/filering dropdowns with disabled permalinks
  • Set any static page as front page
  • Use ‘esc_attr_e()’
  • Can not rename add service page
  • Added “Delete Selected” string to translations file
  • Uploaded images don’t show up
  • Free services not expire. All existing free services will get default duration 30 days and expire if they already outdated. Use theme settings to change default duration
  • Total comments count shows comments + reviews count.
  • Fixed reviews permalinks
  • Fixed widget title on single service page
  • Fixed php error, caused by incorrect declaration classes order
  • Fixed HTML error in Recent Posts widget
  • Prevent to create orders for free services


  • “Buy it” button now visible for non-logged-in users and redirects to login page
  • Allow to automatically activate payment order by manually publishing services


  • Added Renew Service procedure
  • Added Delete Service procedure
  • Prepare theme for escrow payments feature
  • Added search index. Enable search by categories and tags.
  • Notifications on the header got deep links to Notifications dashboard
  • Added Visual editor for Service content, Task Instructions and Review content. Only html editor is available (not TinyMCE). Use filter tr_editor_settings to enable TinyMCE or change/add other settings.
  • Added example child theme
  • Added email templates for renew service notifications to admin and author
  • Added option “Duration (Free Services Only)”
  • Added filter options on Dashboard: “Live”, “Awaiting Moderation”, “Pending Payment”, “Expired”
  • Added service statuses on admin services page: “Expired”, “Deleted”

Files Modified

Modified		add-service.php
Added			changed_files.txt
Modified		changelog.txt
Modified		content-dashboard-service.php
Modified		edit-service.php
Modified		email-content-new_review.php
Added			email-content-service_renewed_admin.php
Added			email-content-service_renewed_author.php
Added			examples/taskerr-child/functions.php
Added			examples/taskerr-child/general.js
Added			examples/taskerr-child/style.css
Modified		form-review.php
Modified		form-service.php
Modified		form-task.php
Modified		framework
Modified		front-page.php
Modified		functions.php
Modified		header.php
Modified		home.php
Modified		includes/admin/install.php
Modified		includes/admin/settings.php
Added			includes/admin/upgrade.php
Added			includes/delete-service.php
Modified		includes/favorites.php
Modified		includes/notifications.php
Modified		includes/options.php
Modified		includes/payments
Added			includes/search.php
Modified		includes/service-activate.php
Modified		includes/service-status.php
Modified		includes/sorting.php
Modified		includes/template-tags.php
Modified		includes/urls.php
Modified		includes/views-checkout.php
Modified		includes/views.php
Modified		includes/widgets.php
Modified		loop-dashboard-notifications.php
Modified		loop-reviews.php
Modified		loop-top-bar-notifications.php
Modified		purchase-service-new.php
Added			renew-service.php
Modified		scripts/dashboard.js
Modified		scripts/scripts.js
Modified		sidebar-single-service.php
Modified		style.css
Modified		taskerr.pot
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