JobRoller Version 1.8

On Friday May 15th, 2015, JobRoller 1.8 was released. This is a major release with significant changes, performance improvements, security patch for a potential XSS vulnerability, and bug fixes.

If you’re using a child theme purchased from our Marketplace, we strongly recommend you contact the seller to make sure it’s been updated to work with this version BEFORE upgrading your website.  

It you’re using your own customized child theme you’ll need to update your template files to mirror the new changes in 1.8. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

More Modern

This major release bring a much needed design overhaul throughout the whole theme. On the backend we’ve replaced the old settings page with our new settings API, with richer descriptions and new tooltips and replaced all icon sprites with font icons. We’ve also made all the table listings responsive, so that most of columns are hidden on small screens, mirroring the default WP behavior.

We’ve moved all JobRoller’s appearance settings to the WordPress Customizer and added many new options to allow easy tweaking of the theme, with live preview. It’s now easier to have a unique theme customized by yourself.

On the front end we’ve made JobRoller look more modern by switching to a more flat design, without the old style shadows and we’ve added a fancy new multi column footer. All images were also replaced with font icons. These changed don’t only make JobRoller look better, it should also help your site load a little faster.

This version also changes the way how the front page displays. The old option Front Page Displays: Your latest posts was replaced with Front Page Displays: A Static Page Site, and site owners now have separate options for the number of jobs displayed on front page and jobs displayed on other listing pages.

Besides the visual changes, new features include custom fields for Resumes and new Importer feature, to import jobs from .csv files, with or without attachments. Please see the new ‘examples’ folder bundled with JobRoller to see how the .csv file must be structured.

There are much more new features so we suggest you go through the changelog to check them all. Please, remember, before upgrading, make sure your child theme is ready for 1.8!

Upgrade Information

Now you can automatically upgrade directly from your WordPress admin. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to JobRoller. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.


  • Added missing ‘esc_url()’ or ‘esc_url_raw()’ for URL’s to patch potential XSS vulnerability
  • Sorting by jobs expiration date on backend job listings page
  • Author posts link not being returned correctly for custom post types
  • Job filtering not working as expected immediately after doing a search
  • External job feeds triggering JS error when loading more results and none exist
  • Some emails being sent from ‘wordpress@domain’ instead of the email address specified in the settings page
  • CSS Stylings for ‘Stripe’ payment gateway
  • Removed actions ‘before_front_page_jobs’ and ‘after_front_page_jobs’ from job archive listings since they should only be triggered on the front page
  • Updated jQuery UI file location (was causing an internal 404 error)
  • Featured jobs per page option being ignored
  • Undefined property: WP_Query::$queried_object when WP_DEBUG enabled


  • Revamped backend settings page with richer descriptions and tooltips
  • File structure reorganization
  • Moved all core PHP code inside the main templates to internal files (meaning cleaner and smaller template files for easier child theming)
  • Updated job preview page to display all fields available on the job submit page
  • Moved all appearance settings to WordPress’s customizer page
  • Added a default empty value for job types on job submit. The job type dropdown now default to ‘Select a job type’ instead of the first job type from the list
  • Deleted ‘-process’ suffixed files inside ‘/forms/’ folder ( (e.g: application-process.php, filter-process.php, etc)). Moved respective functions to ‘forms.php’
  • Replaced sprites with font icons where used
  • Tweaks to all theme color schemes for a more modern look
  • Deleted obsolete images from images folder
  • Removed ‘theme-‘ prefix from most of the files in ‘/includes’ folder
  • Simplified most of the template files by moving PHP code to internal files
  • Updated payment gateways HTML markup
  • Moved custom forms from ‘Jobs’ to it’s own menu named ‘Forms’
  • Deleted obsolete ‘countries.php’ file
  • Deleted obsolete template files: ‘taxonomy-job_cat’, ‘taxonomy-job_type’, ‘taxonomy-job_tag’, ‘taxonomy-job_salary’
  • Updated placeholder ad 125×125 images and removed the default border
  • Removed ‘Dashboard’ from WP toolbar
  • Restored WP toolbar items being removed by JobRoller
  • Responsive backend jobs, resumes, orders, subscriptions and alerts listings


  • Logo has been upgraded with a flat look and now supports retina/hdpi devices. Tagline has been removed as well
  • Use new AppThemes options API (updated settings page) – replaced all occurrences of ‘get_option()‘ for JobRoller options with ‘$jr_options‘ global (e.g: $jr_options->option_name)
  • Front page is now a static page
  • Front page jobs now display ‘More’ instead of page numbers (redirects users to job archives page on click)
  • Front page jobs can display different number of regular/featured jobs then the main jobs archive page
  • Jobs importer for importing jobs from .csv files
  • Added ‘examples’ folder with two .csv example files
  • Added support for Google Geo Maps API key to be able to manage search quotas
  • Compulsory registration of job seeker before applying for a job
  • Custom forms for Resumes (add any field, including file upload fields for resumes – located under ‘Forms’)
  • Added ‘Allow Comments’ option for job listings
  • Added new sortable ‘Addon(s)’ column on backend job listings page
  • New template file for customizing 3rd party job feeds markup
  • New template file for pagination
  • New template file for custom resume fields
  • Allow appending a hidden default keyword to Indeed searches for more accurate results
  • Added jQuery validation to all forms (validates fields without submitting the form)
  • Added jQuery email validation on email fields
  • Allow specifying internal keywords for Indeed searches – helps retrieving more relevant jobs on user searches
  • AppThemes ‘Add-Ons Marketplace’ integration under the JobRoller menu (browse add-ons directly from your WordPress dashboard)
  • Optional multi-column footer customizable within WordPress Customizer (change footer width, columns width and number of columns)
  • Color customizations added to WordPress Customizer (header color, background color, links color, buttons color, etc)
  • Optional breadcrumbs navigation
  • Added option to set number of jobs displayed on front page
  • Added option to set number of featured jobs displayed on front page
  • Use ‘Home’ for static front page and ‘Blog’ for posts page, in WordPress reading settings
  • Cleaned up main template pages from unused code
  • Added page indication to resumes archive page title
  • Added font icons to single page listing for: job location, job taxonomies, job remaining days
  • Auto install JobRoller default widgets on fresh theme installs

Files Modified

Added    dashboard-orders.php
Added    dashboard-packs.php
Added    dashboard-resumes.php
Added    examples/jobs-with-attachments.csv
Added    examples/jobs.csv
Added    external-job-feed-item.php
Added    featured-jobs.php
Added    images/favicon.ico
Added    includes/actions.php
Added    includes/admin/addons-mp
Added    includes/admin/admin.php
Added    includes/admin/alerts.php
Added    includes/admin/dashboard.php
Added    includes/admin/emails.php
Added    includes/admin/importer.php
Added    includes/admin/install.php
Added    includes/admin/integration.php
Added    includes/admin/meta-box.php
Added    includes/admin/payments.php
Added    includes/admin/plans-job.php
Added    includes/admin/plans-resume.php
Added    includes/admin/post-types-lists.php
Added    includes/admin/scripts/settings.js
Added    includes/admin/settings.php
Added    includes/admin/subscriptions.php
Added    includes/admin/system-info.php
Added    includes/admin/uninstall.php
Added    includes/alerts.php
Added    includes/capabilities.php
Added    includes/comments.php
Added    includes/core.php
Added    includes/cron.php
Added    includes/customizer.php
Added    includes/emails.php
Added    includes/featured.php
Added    includes/forms.php
Added    includes/forms/preview-job/preview-job-fields.php
Added    includes/forms/select-plan/single-pack.php
Added    includes/forms/submit-job/job-form-custom-fields.php
Added    includes/forms/submit-resume/resume-form-custom-fields.php
Added    includes/geolocation.php
Added    includes/helper.php
Added    includes/hooks.php
Added    includes/indeed/indeed.php
Added    includes/js/job-form-scripts.min.js
Added    includes/js/jquery.elastic.min.js
Added    includes/js/jquery.tag.min.js
Added    includes/js/resume-form-scripts.js
Added    includes/js/resume-form-scripts.min.js
Added    includes/js/smoothscroll.min.js
Added    includes/js/theme-customizer.js
Added    includes/js/theme-customizer.min.js
Added    includes/js/theme-scripts.min.js
Added    includes/log.php
Added    includes/options.php
Added    includes/packs.php
Added    includes/payments.php
Added    includes/post-types.php
Added    includes/resumes.php
Added    includes/search.php
Added    includes/security.php
Added    includes/setup-theme.php
Added    includes/sidebars.php
Added    includes/stats.php
Added    includes/users.php
Added    includes/utils.php
Added    includes/widgets.php
Added    pagination.php
Added    sidebar-nav.php
Added    sidebar-resume-nav.php
Added    sidebar-sjob.php
Added    sidebar-sresume.php
Added    sidebar-user-account.php
Added    style.min.css
Added    styles/print.min.css
Added    styles/style-basic.min.css
Added    styles/style-default.min.css
Added    styles/style-pro-blue.min.css
Added    styles/style-pro-gray.min.css
Added    styles/style-pro-green.min.css
Added    styles/style-pro-orange.min.css
Added    styles/style-pro-red.min.css
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Deleted  taxonomy-job_tag.php
Deleted  taxonomy-job_type.php
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Modified archive.php
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Modified changelog.txt
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Modified includes/custom-forms.php
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Modified includes/forms/confirm-job/confirm-job-form-preview.php
Modified includes/forms/confirm-job/confirm-job-form.php
Modified includes/forms/filter/filter-form.php
Modified includes/forms/forgot-password/forgot-password-form.php
Modified includes/forms/lister-packs/lister-packs-form.php
Modified includes/forms/login/login-form.php
Modified includes/forms/order/order-checkout.php
Modified includes/forms/order/order-gateway.php
Modified includes/forms/order/order-summary.php
Modified includes/forms/preview-job/preview-job-form.php
Modified includes/forms/register/register-form.php
Modified includes/forms/resume/contact_parts.php
Modified includes/forms/resume/edit_parts.php
Modified includes/forms/seeker-alerts/seeker-alerts-form.php
Modified includes/forms/seeker-prefs/seeker-prefs-form.php
Modified includes/forms/select-plan/select-plan-packs-form.php
Modified includes/forms/select-plan/select-plan-single-form.php
Modified includes/forms/select-plan/select-plan.php
Modified includes/forms/share/share-form.php
Modified includes/forms/submit-job/submit-job-form.php
Modified includes/forms/submit-resume/submit-resume-form.php
Modified includes/forms/subscribe-resumes/subscribe-resumes-form.php
Modified includes/index.php
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Modified includes/js/theme-scripts.js
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Modified includes/plan-purchase.php
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Modified includes/uploads.php
Modified includes/views.php
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Modified loop-resume.php
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Modified sidebar-resume.php
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Modified single-resume.php
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Modified styles/style-pro-gray.css
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Modified styles/style-pro-orange.css
Modified styles/style-pro-red.css
Modified taxonomy-job.php
Modified taxonomy.php
Modified tpl-blog.php
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Modified tpl-dashboard.php
Modified tpl-edit-job.php
Modified tpl-edit-resume.php
Modified tpl-job-cats.php
Modified tpl-job-seeker-dashboard.php
Modified tpl-jobs-by-date.php
Modified tpl-login.php
Modified tpl-myjobs.php
Modified tpl-password-recovery.php
Modified tpl-password-reset.php
Modified tpl-profile.php
Modified tpl-purchase-pack.php
Modified tpl-purchase-resume-subscription.php
Modified tpl-registration.php
Modified tpl-submit.php
Modified tpl-terms-conditions.php
Modified wrapper.php
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Rating: 3.1 - 19 votes

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