ClassiPress Version 4.0.1

On August 17, 2018, ClassiPress 4.0.1 was released. This release fixes a lot of the responsive layout and RTL related bugs and some other issues as well.

Note for ClassiPress 3.x users

We don’t want your site to break after you click on the automatic upgrade link (without realizing the changes that have happened). So the automatic upgrade from 3.x to 4.x is disabled for now.


  • Significantly improved RTL compatibility
  • Mobile Friendly Related Issues/Bugs. Lots of changes.
  • Improved user experience with Location Search field. Now, on the Enter key press, it automatically selects the first item from locations dropdown.
  • Link the search bar location field with the refine widget city field.
  • Removed price tag if the price is missing or 0. Basically fixed option “Empty Prices”.
  • Local Business Structured Data type is missing a telephone property. Added core field “Phone”. Admins can add it on the Ad form. Its value will be used in the LocalBusiness and Organization schemas.
  • Problem with structured data on posts with no Tags
  • Header site title is not linked to the home page on mobile
  • Removed Taxonomy description on search results
  • Make “Relevance” word translatable


  • Added filter ‘cp_allow_listing_banner_image’ to make possible disable user’s ability to set banner image

Files Modified

Modified archive-ad_listing.php
Modified assets/css/editor-style.css
Modified assets/css/editor-style.min.css
Added assets/css/foundation-rtl.css
Added assets/css/foundation-rtl.min.css
Modified assets/css/foundation.css
Modified assets/css/foundation.min.css
Modified assets/css/style-rtl.css
Modified assets/css/style-rtl.min.css
Modified assets/css/style.css
Modified assets/css/style.min.css
Modified assets/js/lib/scrolltotop/scrolltotop.js
Modified assets/js/lib/scrolltotop/scrolltotop.min.js
Modified assets/js/src/google-maps.js
Modified assets/js/src/init-foundation.js
Modified assets/js/src/theme.js
Modified assets/js/theme-scripts.js
Modified assets/js/theme-scripts.min.js
Added assets/scss/foundation-rtl.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_base.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_form-progress.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_header.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_menus.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_page-archive.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_widgets.scss
Modified assets/scss/style-rtl.scss
Modified assets/scss/vendor/foundation/_settings.scss
Added assets/scss/vendor/foundation/rtl.scss
Modified changelog.txt
Modified edit-listing.php
Modified featured.php
Modified functions.php
Modified grunt/contrib-sass.js
Modified grunt/rtlcss.js
Modified includes/actions.php
Modified includes/admin/install.php
Modified includes/enqueue.php
Modified includes/functions.php
Modified includes/menus.php
Modified includes/search.php
Modified includes/structured-data
Modified includes/theme-structured-data/class-schema-type-localbusiness-ad.php
Modified includes/theme-structured-data/class-schema-type-organization-ad.php
Modified languages/classipress.pot
Modified page.php
Modified parts/content-author-ad_listing.php
Modified parts/form-field-image-input-attach.php
Modified parts/nav-mobile-menu.php
Modified parts/nav-mobile-title-bar.php
Modified parts/nav-top-bar-primary.php
Modified search.php
Modified sidebar-ad.php
Modified sidebar-author.php
Modified sidebar-blog.php
Modified sidebar-page.php
Modified sidebar-user.php
Modified sidebar.php
Modified single-ad_listing.php
Modified single.php
Modified style.css
Modified taxonomy-ad_cat.php
Modified taxonomy-ad_tag.php
Modified tpl-dashboard-orders.php
Modified tpl-dashboard.php
Modified tpl-profile.php
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