ClassiPress Version 4.2.0

On July 9, 2020, ClassiPress 4.2.0 was released. This is a major release introducing several new features as well as many other features improvements.

This release introduces 144 code changes in 179 files, 13,093 lines of code added and 2,479 deleted, 35 tickets resolved!


  • Fixed Refine Search order by Lowest and Highest price when price inputs are empty.
  • Fixed Refine Search order by Distance and Alphabetical.
  • Don’t show Report button for the ad owner (except admins).
  • Improved styles for Ad Details widget.
  • Fixed styling for WordPress Search widget (the Blog search).
  • Added WordPress Confirm action handler to the AppThemes Login page. Fixing Issue with WP’s GDPR data export tool.
  • SEO: Fixed headers structure.
  • SEO: Added screen reader text with item title to “View Ad” and “Read More” links to resolve issue with trivial duplicating anchor texts.
  • SEO: Add screenreader text for ads and posts thumbnails. Fixed issue “No link anchor text”.
  • SEO: Better Listing price format in structured data.
  • SEO: Introduced function cp_get_avatar(), which adds alt tags to the avatar image.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect taxonomy RSS links.
  • Display advertisement block in the center of the header.



  • Added global font size option.
  • Added Global Font and Headers font settings to the Customizer
  • Added Global text color option in the Customizer.
  • Implemented Expired listing status.
  • Introduced Tiled Sidebar. Allows to add widgets with different widths.
  • Introduced Tabbed Sidebar feature. It allows turning regular sidebar into a tabbed interface, where a single tab is a sidebar widget.
  • Added Sticky Header feature with Customizable sticking parts and the separated colors.
  • Added theme support for Custom Image and Video Headers.
  • Front Page hero cover moved from the page template to the header-tpl-ads-home.php template.
  • Added Customizer Option Header Alignment.
  • Added Customizer Option Header Height.
  • Added filter ‘cp_single_term_title’.
  • Registered a new widgetized area on the Header. Ad Block 468×60 added as the default widget.
  • Added Customizer options ‘Display Hero Cover’ and ‘Display Searchbar’ on the Front Page layout panel.
  • Added Header Bottom Bar color options.
  • Added Header Top Bar color options.
  • Allow setting transparency in the Header Background color picker. Added Header Middle Bar Text Color picker. Added Header Middle Bar Menu Links Color picker.
  • Added Top bar under the existing Header. Registered new menus “first_left” and “first_right”.
  • User Account menu and Login/Register buttons added as regular menu items, now it can be moved on another menu and configured on the menus panel.
  • Added Customizer setting to change header width (expand/collapse).
  • Significantly improved search box auto suggest. By default, it uses Ad Tags for word autocomplete, but now it can be changed via filter ‘cp_suggest_taxonomies’.
  • Added Footer Text Color option in the Customizer.
  • Converted Footer into the Tiled Sidebar.

Front page:

  • Implemented Masonry JS lib for Listing categories lists, fixed the category gaps in directory layout.
  • ‘ClassiPress Ad Categories’ widget, “[classipress_listing_categories]” shortcode, Categories page and Categories menu now can display custom backgrounds and icons:
    • Added options to the Categories section to enable custom backgrounds and icons;
    • Added appropriate options to the “[classipress_listing_categories]” shortcode to enable custom backgrounds and icons and other options;
    • Added appropriate options to the ‘ClassiPress Ad Categories’ widget.
  • Added tiled sidebars into the Front page template.
  • Added Callout widget for building awesome landing pages.
  • Added Layout type option to the Latest Listings widget. Added Number of columns in a grid option to the Latest Listings and Blog posts widgets.
  • Added optional button on the Featured slider to display all featured ads.
  • Added new options to Featured slider.

Blog page:

  • Added sidebar on the Blog archive page, added sidebar position Customizer option.
  • Added widget “Sidebar Recent Ads”.

Static pages:

  • Added static page Sidebar Position option.
  • Full Width template now 12 columns width, instead of 10.
  • Added Kitchen Sink template so admin can see the theme elements styling.

Search page:

  • Display the subcategory dropdown on the refine search form.

Single Ad page:

  • Improved style for Ad Details widget. Display location fields on the widget.
  • Added Tiled widget area to the Single Listing content area. This will allow adding content widgets side by side. For example, image gallery on the left and listing fields on the right.
  • Added Tabbed widgets on the sidebar and content areas.
  • Added widget “ClassiPress – Single Listing Image Slider”.
  • Added Customizer option “Full Width Banner” to switch banner width between full page width and content width.
  • Listing/post actions bar moved to a separated template part. Actions bar displayed in a listing content footer if the listing banner disabled.
  • Added Customizer option to disable the Single Ad Hero banner. The title and price automatically moves to the content area.
  • Added Customizer options for Listing Thumbnail Placeholder.
  • Added Minimum Image Dimensions options for Ad listing Images.
  • Turned “Set as a Banner Image” and “Set as a Thumbnail Image” radio buttons into colored buttons. Allow to uncheck the image.
  • Enabled Ad images reordering.

Author’s page:

  • Added the Author’s page sidebar and the Customizer controls for it.
  • Added widget Author Featured Listings.
  • Added Tabbed Sidebar on the Author’s page.
  • Added widgets “Author Listings” and “Author Posts” to display in the tabbed sidebar on author’s page.
  • Turned Author’s page content into a widgetized area. Added author bio as a widget.


  • Added thumbnails to the dashboard listings.
  • Added search and filters section into the Dashboard.
  • Allow to sort columns in the User listings dashboard.
  • Added dashboard listing actions into the expandable areas, reorganized columns, colored statuses.


  • Allow to select a taxonomy in the ‘Sub-Categories’ widget settings.
  • Enable Bulk Actions for Orders.
  • The settings fields (where HTML is allowed) now use the WP Editor.
  • Allow to override default map icon using icon URL. Minor string adjustment.
  • Added option to disable Open Graph support.
  • Improved a calculating of the color scheme.
  • Added “id” “classes” and “taxonomy” parameters to the “classipress_listing_categories” shortcode.
  • Added generic template taxonomy.php in replacement to taxonomy-ad_cat.php and taxonomy-ad_tag.php. Now the generic teplate can be used for all custom taxonomies.
  • Added option to set a specific Custom Form as default for all categories.
  • Load search bar on the template file instead the wrapper file.

Deprecated Functions

  • cp_author_profile_listings()
  • cp_header_menu_primary_top_items_user()

Deprecated Hooks

  • cp_header_menu_primary_top_items_login
  • cp_header_menu_primary_top_user
  • cp_header_menu_primary_top_items_user

Files Modified

Modified		404.php
Modified		archive-ad_listing.php
Modified		archive.php
Modified		assets/css/editor-style.css
Modified		assets/css/editor-style.min.css
Modified		assets/css/style.css
Modified		assets/css/style.min.css
Modified		assets/css/style-rtl.css
Modified		assets/css/style-rtl.min.css
Modified		assets/js/customize-preview.js
Modified		assets/js/customize-preview.min.js
Modified		assets/js/src/customize-preview.js
Modified		assets/js/src/google-maps.js
Modified		assets/js/src/init-foundation.js
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Modified		assets/js/src/theme.js
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Modified		assets/js/theme-admin-scripts.min.js
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Modified		framework/media-manager/scripts/media-manager.js
Modified		framework/scb
Modified		functions.php
Modified		.gitignore
Modified		grunt/wp-i18n.js
Modified		header.php
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Modified		home.php
Modified		includes/actions.php
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Modified		includes/admin/class-ad-listing-category-meta-box.php
Modified		includes/admin/enqueue.php
Modified		includes/admin/install.php
Modified		includes/admin/listing-single.php
Modified		includes/admin/options.php
Modified		includes/admin/settings.php
Modified		includes/admin/updates.php
Modified		includes/admin/values.php
Modified		includes/appthemes-functions.php
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Modified		includes/class-shortcodes.php
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Added			includes/customizer/sections/footer.php
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Modified		includes/options.php
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Modified		includes/plupload/app-plupload.php
Modified		includes/search.php
Modified		includes/stats.php
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Modified		includes/theme-structured-data/class-schema-type-product-ad.php
Modified		includes/theme-support.php
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Modified		includes/theme-widgets/class-widget-ad-sub-categories.php
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Added			includes/theme-widgets/class-widget-listing-image-slider.php
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Modified		parts/content-bio.php
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Modified		parts/content-cover.php
Modified		parts/content-edit-profile.php
Modified		parts/content-item-ad_listing.php
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Modified		parts/content-item.php
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Added			parts/widget-author-bio.php
Added			parts/widget-callout-box.php
Modified		parts/widget-latest-ad_listing.php
Modified		parts/widget-latest-post.php
Modified		parts/widget-listing-author.php
Added			parts/widget-listing-image-slider.php
Modified		parts/widget-listing-reveal-gallery.php
Added			parts/widget-sidebar-ads.php
Modified		parts/widget-sidebar-blog-posts.php
Modified		searchbar.php
Added			searchform.php
Modified		search.php
Modified		sidebar-ad.php
Modified		single-ad_listing.php
Modified		style.css
Deleted			taxonomy-ad_cat.php
Removed			taxonomy-ad_tag.php	taxonomy.php
Modified		tests/lib
Modified		tests/lib/bootstrap.php
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Modified		theme-framework/includes/views-login.php
Modified		theme-framework/includes/wrapping.php
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Modified		theme-framework/kernel/view-edit-profile.php
Added			theme-framework/lib/customizer-custom-controls/css/customizer.css
Added			theme-framework/lib/customizer-custom-controls/examples/customizer.php
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Added			theme-framework/lib/customizer-custom-controls/js/customizer.js
Added			theme-framework/lib/customizer-custom-controls/load.php
Added			theme-framework/lib/customizer-custom-controls/
Modified		theme-framework/load.php
Modified		tpl-ads-home.php
Modified		tpl-full-width.php
Added			tpl-kitchen-sink.php
Modified		woocommerce/content-product.php
Modified		wrapper.php
Your rating: none
Rating: 4.3 - 4 votes

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