ClassiPress Version 3.5.2

On December 10th, 2015, ClassiPress 3.5.2 was released. This is a maintenance release with some compatibility fixes for the latest WordPress 4.4. Updating is highly recommended. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Upgrade Information

Now you can automatically upgrade directly from your WordPress admin. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to ClassiPress. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.


  • Price misalignment with logged out users
  • Ad description TinyMCE text area width
  • Attachments sorting
  • Missing “Your ad has been approved” email notification
  • Ad and membership packs not being ordered correctly
  • PHP Warning in customizer on PHP 5.3 or older: “PHP warning: Invalid argument supplied for “foreach() in …/customizer.php” on line 548″
  • Missing Bank Transfer instructions during checkout
  • Featured slider not scrolling automatically
  • Header background color not working in customizer
  • Missing HTML formatting in Ad content
  • Hide comments bubble on posts with the ‘Allow Comments’ option unchecked
  • Categories dropdown in site header misaligned and shorter then search field
  • Lost user password after edit profile


  • Added support for Google reCaptcha v.2.0
  • Categories and sub-categories selection is restored on checkout when user navigates to the first step
  • Added lightbox to single post image thumbnail
  • Stopped registering deprecated db tables (fixes missing table issues when doing database repairs)
  • Deleted legacy file ‘custom-sample.css’

Files Modified

Added includes/open-graph
Added includes/plupload/app-plupload.js
Added includes/plupload/app-plupload.php
Added includes/recaptcha
Added includes/search-index
Added includes/stats
Added theme-framework
Deleted style.min.css
Deleted styles/aqua-black.min.css
Deleted styles/aqua.min.css
Deleted styles/blue-black.min.css
Deleted styles/blue.min.css
Deleted styles/custom-sample.css
Deleted styles/green-black.min.css
Deleted styles/green.min.css
Deleted styles/red-black.min.css
Deleted styles/red.min.css
Deleted styles/teal-black.min.css
Deleted styles/teal.min.css
Modified changelog.txt
Modified classipress.pot
Modified featured.php
Modified footer.php
Modified framework
Modified functions.php
Modified includes/actions.php
Modified includes/admin/importer.php
Modified includes/admin/listing-list.php
Modified includes/admin/package-single.php
Modified includes/admin/settings.php
Modified includes/appthemes-functions.php
Modified includes/categories.php
Modified includes/checkout
Modified includes/custom-forms.php
Modified includes/customizer.php
Modified includes/deprecated.php
Modified includes/emails.php
Modified includes/enqueue.php
Modified includes/images.php
Modified includes/js/theme-customizer.js
Modified includes/js/theme-customizer.min.js
Modified includes/js/theme-scripts.js
Modified includes/js/theme-scripts.min.js
Modified includes/options.php
Modified includes/packages.php
Modified includes/payments
Modified includes/theme-support.php
Modified includes/views-checkout.php
Modified index.php
Modified loop-ad_listing.php
Modified loop-popular.php
Modified order-bank-transfer.php
Modified order-select.php
Modified single-ad_listing.php
Modified single.php
Modified style.css
Modified tpl-password-reset.php
Modified tpl-profile.php
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