ClassiPress Version 3.4

On November 28th 2014, ClassiPress 3.4 was released. This is a major release fixing a bugs and adding a new features. Upgrading is recommended. It includes bug fixes. Fixed 53 tickets total.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or visit and click on My Account to download the updated version.

Important Note

If you are using child theme and overriding header.php template, please update it before upgrading ClassiPress – the custom logo option has been replaced with WordPress built in 'custom-header' theme support.

If you bought your child theme in Marketplace, before upgrading ClassiPress, ask seller about compatibility with 3.4 version.


  • fixed issue with submitting form on chrome and safari
  • fixed issues with html ad editor
  • fixed displaying line breaks in ad review step
  • fixed issue with Featured Ad option being removed by AdBlock browser extension
  • fixed issue with damaging listings view in wp-admin by AdBlock browser extension
  • fixed issue with sending out emails when in the ‘From’ field a Yahoo or AOL email address is used
  • fixed issue with overriding font styles in wp-admin by ClassiPress stylesheet
  • fixed issue with not displaying errors in user edit profile page
  • fixed issue with suggesting to user a blank value for Display Name field in user edit profile page
  • fixed issue with missing images in listing submission form when click the ‘back’ button to correct listing details
  • fixed issue where user with ‘subscriber’ role was able to create listings
  • fixed issue with ads/posts tabs on author page when using pagination
  • fixed issue with ‘go back’ button in listing submission form
  • fixed issue where user was able to choose non-existent category
  • fixed displaying login notice
  • fixed issue with calculating membersip benefit when price over 1k


  • rewritten ‘create listing’, ‘edit listing’, ‘renew listing’, and ‘purchase membership’ forms
  • rewritten admin listing metaboxes to use APP_Post_Attachments_Metabox and APP_Meta_Box classes
  • rewritten all widgets to use the APP_Widget class
  • rewritten listing & membership packages
  • rewritten user dashboard template
  • reorganized functions in files
  • added report post feature
  • added ‘search index’ to improve performance of search queries
  • added more server side validation to listings & membership forms
  • added compatibility with Contact Form 7 plugin
  • added option to categories widget to turn on/off count
  • added ‘continue’ buttons to order summary page
  • added ability to relist ‘live-expired’ listings, the expired listings that remain on site when the ‘Prune ads’ option is disabled
  • changed admin logo options to ‘custom-header’ theme support
  • changed all emails to html and use appthemes_send_email()
  • changed taxonomy columns to be generated by WP on admin edit.php page
  • changed the First & Last Name fields in edit profile page to not be required
  • changed user displayed name on site to Display Name instead of login
  • changed the way of adding default text info search forms, used placeholder attribute instead of JS
  • changed the way of storing membership purchase information
  • changed the cp_breadcrumb() function to use framework breadcrumb_trail()
  • changed and renamed the moderation option
  • updated Timepicker js library to 1.5.0
  • updated jCarousel Lite js library to 1.9.2
  • removed code with querying listings from ‘archive-ad_listing.php’ template, queries setup handled by CP_Ads_Archive class
  • removed migration script from CP version 3.0.4 and earlier
  • deprecated ‘includes/forms/step-functions.php’ file
  • deprecated functions: get_pack_benefit(), get_pack(), get_pack_id(), cp_ad_packs(), cp_custom_images_meta_box(), cp_edit_ad_images(), cp_custom_fields_meta_box(), cp_edit_ad_fields(), cp_save_meta_box(), appthemes_process_membership_order(), get_order_id(), get_order_userid(), get_user_orders(), cp_add_new_listing(), cp_action_add_new_listing(), cp_update_listing(), cp_action_update_listing(), cp_renew_ad_listing(), auth_redirect_login(), appthemes_exclude_search_types(), cp_check_expire_date(), cp_related_posts(), cp_resize_youtube(), cp_is_type_page(), cp_get_image(), cp_get_image_url_raw(), cp_get_image_url_feat(), cp_get_image_url_old(), cp_set_ad_thumbnail(), cp_delete_ad_thumbnail(), app_report_post()
  • documented functions and classes

Files Modified

Modified		404.php
Modified		archive-ad_listing.php
Modified		archive.php
Modified		attachment.php
Modified		author.php
Modified		changed_files.txt
Modified		changelog.txt
Modified		classipress.pot
Modified		comments-ad_listing.php
Modified		comments-page.php
Modified		comments.php
Added			content-ad_listing.php
Added			content-dashboard-ad_listing.php
Added			content-page.php
Added			content-slider-ad_listing.php
Added			content.php
Added			create-listing.php
Added			edit-listing.php
Modified		examples/classipress-child/includes/child-views.php
Modified		examples/classipress-child/tpl-featured-ads-home.php
Modified		featured.php
Modified		footer.php
Added			form-listing-category-preview.php
Added			form-listing-category-select.php
Added			form-listing-details.php
Added			form-listing-edit.php
Added			form-listing-preview.php
Added			form-listing-submit-free.php
Added			form-membership-disabled.php
Added			form-membership-packages.php
Added			form-membership-preview.php
Modified		framework
Modified		functions.php
Modified		header.php
Deleted			images/red-flag-shadow.png
Modified		includes/actions.php
Modified		includes/admin/admin.css
Modified		includes/admin/admin.php
Modified		includes/admin/dashboard.php
Modified		includes/admin/enqueue.php
Modified		includes/admin/importer.php
Modified		includes/admin/index.php
Modified		includes/admin/install.php
Added			includes/admin/listing-list.php
Added			includes/admin/listing-single.php
Modified		includes/admin/options.php
Added			includes/admin/package-list.php
Added			includes/admin/package-single.php
Modified		includes/admin/settings.php
Modified		includes/admin/system-info.php
Modified		includes/admin/updates.php
Modified		includes/admin/values.php
Added			includes/categories.php
Added			includes/checkout
Modified		includes/comments.php
Modified		includes/core.php
Modified		includes/cron.php
Added			includes/custom-forms.php
Added			includes/custom-header.php
Modified		includes/deprecated.php
Modified		includes/emails.php
Modified		includes/enqueue.php
Modified		includes/forms/step-functions.php
Deleted			includes/forms/step1-membership.php
Deleted			includes/forms/step1.php
Deleted			includes/forms/step2-membership.php
Deleted			includes/forms/step2.php
Deleted			includes/forms/step3-membership.php
Deleted			includes/forms/step3.php
Modified		includes/functions.php
Modified		includes/hooks.php
Added			includes/images.php
Modified		includes/index.php
Deleted			includes/js/excanvas.min.js
Added			includes/js/flot/excanvas.js
Added			includes/js/flot/excanvas.min.js
Added			includes/js/flot/jquery.flot.js
Added			includes/js/flot/jquery.flot.min.js
Added			includes/js/flot/jquery.flot.time.js
Added			includes/js/flot/jquery.flot.time.min.js
Modified		includes/js/jcarousellite.js
Modified		includes/js/jcarousellite.min.js
Deleted			includes/js/jquery.flot.min.js
Modified		includes/js/theme-scripts.js
Added			includes/js/timepicker.js
Modified		includes/js/timepicker.min.js
Modified		includes/options.php
Added			includes/packages.php
Modified		includes/payments
Modified		includes/payments.php
Modified		includes/profile.php
Added			includes/reports
Modified		includes/search.php
Modified		includes/security.php
Modified		includes/sidebar-blog-posts.php
Modified		includes/sidebar-comments.php
Modified		includes/sidebar-contact.php
Modified		includes/sidebar-gmap.php
Modified		includes/sidebar-popular.php
Modified		includes/stats.php
Modified		includes/theme-searchbar.php
Added			includes/views-checkout.php
Modified		includes/views.php
Added			includes/widgets
Modified		includes/widgets.php
Modified		index.php
Modified		loop-ad_listing.php
Modified		loop-popular.php
Modified		loop.php
Modified		order-checkout.php
Deleted			order-gateway.php
Added			order-select.php
Modified		order-summary.php
Modified		page.php
Added			purchase-membership.php
Added			renew-listing.php
Modified		search.php
Added			searchbar.php
Modified		sidebar-ad.php
Modified		sidebar-author.php
Modified		sidebar-blog.php
Modified		sidebar-page.php
Modified		sidebar-user.php
Modified		sidebar.php
Modified		single-ad_listing.php
Modified		single.php
Modified		style.css
Modified		styles/aqua-black.css
Modified		styles/aqua.css
Modified		styles/blue-black.css
Modified		styles/blue.css
Modified		styles/green-black.css
Modified		styles/green.css
Modified		styles/red-black.css
Modified		styles/red.css
Modified		styles/teal-black.css
Modified		styles/teal.css
Modified		taxonomy-ad_cat.php
Modified		taxonomy-ad_tag.php
Deleted			tpl-add-new.php
Modified		tpl-ads-home.php
Modified		tpl-categories.php
Modified		tpl-dashboard.php
Deleted			tpl-edit-item.php
Modified		tpl-full-width.php
Modified		tpl-login.php
Deleted			tpl-membership-purchase.php
Modified		tpl-password-recovery.php
Modified		tpl-password-reset.php
Modified		tpl-profile.php
Modified		tpl-registration.php
Modified		wrapper.php
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Rating: 4.4 - 7 votes

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