Vantage Version 4.2.3

On April 16, 2019, Vantage 4.2.3 was released. This release is patching issues reported in the last few weeks.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to Vantage. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.


  • Comment moderation email is sent to the author when comment/trackback has been made.
  • Search using field “Find” with a string that doesn’t match shows infinite map loading.
  • Contact Form message is sent successfully is in red instead of green.
  • Manual Prune expired listings triggers fatal error.
  • Fixed issue when Recurring not working for plans with Forced Recurring option.
  • Fixed upgrade geo data from version 3.0.9.
  • Password Reset form throws a notice on PHP 7.2.
  • Fixed some translations.
  • Fixed user dashboard pagination.
  • Fixed logic for addons with 0 duration
  • Fixed minor importer issue
  • Better calculate smart radius


  • Draft listings on the dashboard have got the button to return to the submission process. If returning is impossible, only the Delete button will be available.
  • Listings in draft status now clickable on the dashboard.
  • Users without admin access cannot edit comments or see edit comment links.
  • Added option to include not geocoded results in radius searches.
  • Changed minimal supported WordPress version to 4.8

Files Modified

Modified		assets/js/src/google-maps.js
Modified		assets/js/src/theme.js
Modified		assets/js/theme-scripts.js
Modified		assets/js/theme-scripts.min.js
Modified		framework
Modified		framework/admin/importer.php
Modified		framework/media-manager/functions.php
Modified		framework/media-manager/media-manager.php
Modified		framework/media-manager/media-manager-types.php
Modified		framework/media-manager/scripts/media-manager.js
Modified		functions.php
Modified		includes/addons
Modified		includes/addons/core.php
Modified		includes/addons/tests/test_addons.php
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp/addons-mp-class.php
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp/api-translations.php
Modified		includes/admin/admin.php
Modified		includes/admin/upgrade/upgrade.php
Added			includes/capabilities.php
Modified		includes/core
Modified		includes/core/class-listing-caps.php
Modified		includes/core/extra/recurring/class-listing-plan-recurring-decorator.php
Modified		includes/core/parts/forms/admin/class-listing-taxonomy-metabox.php
Modified		includes/core/parts/forms/admin/class-listing-user-metabox.php
Modified		includes/core/tests/extra/recurring/test_class-listing-plan-recurring-decorator.php
Modified		includes/core/tests/extra/recurring/test-class-listing-recurring-suit.php
Modified		includes/core/tests/test_class-listing-caps.php
Modified		includes/geo
Modified		includes/geo/admin/settings.php
Modified		includes/geo/geocoders/geocoder-class.php
Modified		includes/geo/geocoders/geocoder-functions.php
Modified		includes/geo/geo.php
Modified		includes/geo/map-providers/appthemes-maps.js
Added			includes/geo/tests/mock-geocoder-class.php
Added			includes/geo/tests/test_core.php
Added			includes/geo/tests/test_geocoder-functions.php
Added			includes/geo/tests/test_geo.php
Modified		includes/helpers.php
Modified		includes/listing-status.php
Modified		includes/options.php
Modified		includes/payments
Modified		includes/payments/admin/order-single.php
Modified		parts/dashboard-listings.php
Modified		tests/lib
Modified		tests/lib/bootstrap.php
Modified		tests/lib/phpunit.xml
Added			tests/test_comment_emails.php
Added			tests/test_search.php
Modified		theme-framework
Modified		theme-framework/includes/views-login.php
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