Vantage Version 4.0.1

On March 21st, 2017, Vantage 4.0.1 was released. This is a minor release. We do not recommend updating your 3.x Vantage site until you have tested this version separately.

Note: Existing customers will not be able to automatically update via the AppThemes Updater plugin (unless you already have 4.0.0). You must login to your AppThemes account and download 4.0.1. This is to prevent those who wish to stay with 3.x from overwriting their theme. In addition, existing customers who plan on upgrading from 3.x to 4.x will need to wait until 4.1.0 as it will contain the migration script. ETA is mid April.


  • Comments widget title was showing up twice on listings and blog posts
  • Bottom left corner of listing item was not rounded on category page
  • Footer customizer background color selector was not working
  • Changing title on “Create Listing” page breaks submission process
  • The <!–nextpage–> tag on blog posts wasn’t working
  • Remove disc from unordered lists from categories on the create listing page
  • Tags were missing on the single listing page
  • Fixed php notice: Undefined property in class-google-geocoding.php
  • The upgrade listing button on single listings was not working
  • Error field highlighting on listing and contact owner form
  • Label and textarea description field alignment on listing
  • Show social network icons with url values on author page
  • HTML issue on the Order page. Added single-transaction.php template
  • Issue when order does not activate when admin manually set listing status “publish” and moderation is disabled


  • Added warning when trying to upgrade from 3.x to 4.x version. The migration script will be available in 4.1.0.
  • Removed any upgrade db procedures. So if user try to upgrade 3.x to 4.x db will not be changed.

Files Modified

Modified assets/css/editor-style.css
Modified assets/css/foundation.css
Modified assets/css/style-rtl.css
Modified assets/css/style-rtl.min.css
Modified assets/css/style.css
Modified assets/css/style.min.css
Modified assets/scss/modules/_variables.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_footer.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_forms.scss
Modified assets/scss/partials/_page-archive.scss
Modified author.php
Modified changelog.txt
Modified framework
Modified functions.php
Modified includes/admin/admin.php
Modified includes/admin/class-admin-setup.php
Modified includes/admin/upgrade/class-install.php
Modified includes/admin/upgrade/upgrade.php
Modified includes/checkout
Modified includes/core
Modified includes/customizer/styles/colors.php
Modified includes/listings/class-business-listing-form.php
Modified includes/listings/scripts/app.listing.validate.js
Modified includes/maps/class-google-geocoding.php
Modified includes/social.php
Modified includes/widgets/class-widget-listing-comments.php
Modified includes/widgets/class-widget-listing-content.php
Modified languages/vantage.pot
Modified parts/content.php
Added single-transaction.php
Modified style.css
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Popular Add-ons

SMS Premium

Accept SMS payments from the Premium SMS payment gateway.


Vantage Custom Emails

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Vantage SMS

Send SMS to your vendors via Vantage contact form
