AppThemes Docs

Vantage Version 3.0.2

On July 13th 2015, Vantage 3.0.2 was released. This is a minor release. Upgrading is highly recommended.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or login to your account and manually download the updated version the old fashioned way (less recommended).





Files Modified

Modified		changelog.txt
Modified		framework
Modified		functions.php
Modified		includes/admin/settings.php
Modified		includes/categories.php
Modified		includes/custom-forms
Modified		includes/customizer.php
Modified		includes/events/event-form.php
Modified		includes/events/views.php
Modified		includes/events/widgets.php
Modified		includes/options.php
Modified		includes/payments
Modified		includes/views.php
Modified		includes/widgets.php
Modified		style.css
Modified		vantage.pot
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