Vantage Version 1.3

On January 1st 2014, Vantage 1.3 was released. This is a major release including new features as well as fixing many bugs. Upgrading is recommended. Fixed 46 tickets total.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or visit and click on My Account to download the updated version.


  • Fixed canceling paypal transaction and returning to checkout process
  • Fixed duplicating item issue when going back steps in checkout
  • Fixed contact form ability to re-open again after being opened and closed once already
  • Fixed translatable strings for certain form validation error messages
  • Made event calendar thumbnail month abbreviation translatable
  • Fixed ability to tab out of pricing plan title
  • Fixed duplicated menu item creation upon successive activation of events
  • Fixed url redirect when clicking cancel at paypal, allow to choose new payment gateway
  • Fixed highest rating sorting method to sort by average rating then by comment count
  • Fixed styling for thumbnail image for image attachments on listing/event create/edit
  • Update example archive-listing in sample child theme
  • Fixed date format for single event dates list
  • Fixed listing thumbnail img CSS inefficiencies
  • Fixed event comments not showing when not logged in
  • Hide internal use page templates from page dropdown and restrict internal use pages to use their own template only
  • Take custom form field filling out of renew process
  • Take custom form field filling out of claim process
  • Fixed to use blog local time for time diff calc instead of UTC
  • Fixed time ‘ago’ creation to gracefully handle negative time differences
  • Fixed claim listings breaking during moderate_claimed_listings = off
  • Fixed bulk editing of listing and event categories
  • Fixed bulk edit listing ‘Listing Claimable’ status
  • Fixed admin edit profile url in wp-admin
  • Fixed html error in purchase-listing-new.php
  • Use wp_login_url instead of APP_Login class method directly. Fixes fatal error when app-login theme support is disabled.
  • Fixed item title for order confirmation email.
  • Fixed claimed listing bug with claimed moderation turned off
  • Fixed bugs with claimed listings process, reordering of hooks and functions
  • Removed VA_Listing_Author view controller, this was replaced way back with the Vantage dashboard
  • Fixed author archive css left-aligned bug
  • Fixed translated locale strings
  • Removed js ‘disableSelection()’ addition to .uploadable due to actual text input child is not editable
  • Fixed date based strings to be translatable
  • Fixed style selector typo for create/edit event page bg
  • Fixed claim listing page, login link’s ‘redirect to’ url


  • Added Search Index
  • Added Recurring payments support
  • Enabled default WordPress blog search widget
  • Use WordPress core option ‘start_of_week’ in event calendars
  • Force listing/event edit attachment dragging placeholder height
  • Prune expired featured along with expired listings during manual expiration execution
  • Allow child/grandchild/plugin to disable theme color stylesheet
  • Added APP_System_Info page
  • Added filter for date format for single event dates list: ‘va_single_event_dates_date_format’
  • Added pending claimed listings to admin bar
  • Allowed ordering of pricing plans
  • Added language support for jQuery validation plugin
  • Added sidebars for create and edit listing and create and edit event
  • Added nofollow rel tags to events favorite buttons
  • Added nofollow rel tags to favorite buttons
  • Removed unused gray gradient image behind category items in category nav dropdown
  • Added login link to error message for renew and purchase/upgrade if not logged.
  • Listing/event custom forms admin meta box
  • Prevent save listing button from being clicked twice
  • Prevent subscribers from accessing add/edit events wp-admin page
  • Added value attribute to submit button
  • Added appthemes_create_order action for upgrading listings and events to make tax charge work
  • Added ‘appthemes_create_order’ hook to listing renew and listing claim checkout process
  • Add coupon support to listing claim process

Files Modified

Modified	changed_files.txt
Modified	checkout.php
Modified	claim-listing-categories.php
Modified	claim-listing.php
Modified	create-event.php
Modified	create-listing.php
Modified	edit-event.php
Modified	edit-listing.php
Modified	examples/vantage-child/archive-listing.php
Modified	framework
Modified	functions.php
Modified	header.php
Modified	includes/admin-bar.php
Modified	includes/admin/admin.php
Modified	includes/admin/listing-list.php
Modified	includes/admin/listing-single.php
Modified	includes/admin/pricing.php
Modified	includes/admin/scripts/listing-edit.js
Modified	includes/admin/settings.php
Modified	includes/core.php
Modified	includes/custom-forms.php
Modified	includes/dashboard.php
Modified	includes/emails.php
Modified	includes/events/admin/admin.php
Modified	includes/events/admin/event-single.php
Modified	includes/events/admin/pricing.php
Modified	includes/events/admin/settings.php
Modified	includes/events/comments.php
Modified	includes/events/event-form.php
Modified	includes/events/event-purchase.php
Modified	includes/events/favorites.php
Modified	includes/events/functions.php
Modified	includes/events/load.php
Modified	includes/events/template-tags.php
Modified	includes/events/views-checkout.php
Modified	includes/events/views.php
Modified	includes/favorites.php
Modified	includes/featured.php
Modified	includes/geo/admin/settings.php
Modified	includes/geo/geocoders/geocoder-functions.php
Modified	includes/images.php
Modified	includes/listing-activate.php
Modified	includes/listing-claim.php
Modified	includes/listing-form.php
Modified	includes/listing-purchase.php
Modified	includes/listing-renew.php
Modified	includes/listing-status.php
Modified	includes/locale.php
Modified	includes/options.php
Modified	includes/payments
Modified	includes/payments.php
Modified	includes/template-tags.php
Modified	includes/utils.php
Modified	includes/views.php
Modified	order-select.php
Modified	order-summary.php
Modified	purchase-event-existing.php
Modified	purchase-event-new.php
Modified	purchase-listing-existing.php
Modified	purchase-listing-new.php
Modified	purchase-listing.php
Modified	scripts/event-edit.js
Modified	scripts/listing-categories.js
Modified	scripts/listing-edit.js
Modified	single-event.php
Modified	style.css
Modified	vantage.pot
Added		includes/checkout
Added		includes/events/admin/event-list.php
Added		includes/views-checkout.php
Deleted		images/gray-grad.png
Deleted		includes/checkout/checkout-dev.php
Deleted		includes/checkout/checkout-tags.php
Deleted		includes/checkout/class-checkout-list.php
Deleted		includes/checkout/class-checkout-step.php
Deleted		includes/checkout/class-checkout.php
Deleted		includes/checkout/views-checkout.php
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-bg_flat_0_aaaaaa_40x100.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-bg_flat_75_ffffff_40x100.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-bg_glass_55_fbf9ee_1x400.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-bg_glass_65_ffffff_1x400.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-bg_glass_75_dadada_1x400.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-bg_glass_75_e6e6e6_1x400.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-bg_glass_95_fef1ec_1x400.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-bg_highlight-soft_75_cccccc_1x100.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-icons_222222_256x240.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-icons_2e83ff_256x240.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-icons_454545_256x240.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-icons_888888_256x240.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/images/ui-icons_cd0a0a_256x240.png
Deleted		styles/jqueryui/jquery-ui.css
Your rating: none
Rating: 3.7 - 7 votes

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