Taskerr Settings

Taskerr comes pre-loaded with settings to change how your site functions. The basic settings for Taskerr can be found under the Settings page in the Taskerr Theme menu.

Settings are organized by Tabs and grouped by the type of settings they relate to. The settings menu is located under Taskerr > Settings.



In this page you’ll find the main options for the Taskerr theme:

  • Security Settings
    • Back office access
    • Disable WordPress Login Page
  • Contact Settings
    • Public Email
    • Phone number
    • Skype
  • Appearance
    • Theme Customizer
    • Header
    • Background



All settings for the Services

  • Charge for Services
  • Moderate Services
  • Media options
    • Max images per service
    • Max videos per service
    • Max embedding per service
    • Max size per image
    • Max size per video
  • Integration
    • Display ShareThis on services
    • Display ShareThis on Blog



New Services – Notify admins when new services are posted


Your site’s social media accounts




New Reviews-Notify admin on new reviews?


Your rating: none
Rating: 4 - 4 votes

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