JobRoller Version 1.9.0

On April 17th, 2019, JobRoller 1.9.0 was released. This is a major release with significant changes, performance improvements, new Geo module implementation, and bug fixes.

Upgrade Information

First of all make sure you’ve done full site back-up (files and database), in case that something goes wrong.

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to Vantage. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.

If you’re using a child theme or plugins purchased from our MarketPlace, we strongly recommend you contact the seller to make sure it’s been updated to work with this version BEFORE upgrading your website.

If you’re using your own customized child theme or plugin you’ll need to update your files to mirror the new changes in 1.9.0. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Once the theme has been updated, visit the admin dashboard. You will see the start of the Upgrade procedure which will convert old geodata for all existing listings.

Configure new Geo Services according to instruction and the theme is ready for use!


  • Admin panel – Job renewed, but date field doesn’t update. (works for newly renewed listings).
  • Missing home template Issue.
  • Fixed Indeed protocol.
  • Fixed icons on theme dashboard, correct urls.
  • Maps not picking up Town or City names, just stating the Country.
  • Google map find button does not provide the correct location in Brazil.
  • Single job listing map display issue,
  • UK location search issue
  • Fixed some typos.
  • Fatal error: Uncaught Error: [] operator not supported for strings.
  • Fatal error: Use require_once statement for loading WordPress files.


  • Single Job map migrated to AppMaps.
  • Added new post type and taxonomy labels,
  • Updated submodule includes/admin/addons-mp:
    • Fixed translation
  • Updated submodule includes/custom-forms:
    • Don’t use decodeURIComponent() to avoid converting pluses to spaces
    • Allow to add extra formbuilder field actions (like delete or disable field),
    • Added Field name/id in the header to give admin idea about actual field name.
  • Updated submodule includes/payments:
    • Make all order log messages translatable
    • Order data should always be an array
    • Changed some help texts in settings
    • Some performance improvements
    • Don’t show ‘View Orders’ link in admin bar (as of wp 4.7).
    • Add more popular & requested currencies.
    • Add filter to allow other currencies.
  • Updated submodule includes/recaptcha:
    • Use WP Remote for reCaptcha validation
  • Updated submodule includes/recurring:
    • Allow to filter recurring orders before processing. This allows to prevent processing orders for deleted or deactivated listings.
    • Disallow recurring processing using AJAX requests
  • Removed registration password in the email.
  • Migrate Favicon to WP 4.3 Site Icon option.
  • Implemented Geo module
    • Now it’s possible to use AppMaps plugins which will allow alternatives to the Google Maps API that comes standard with JobRoller.
    • Two plugins can be used “AppMaps Bing” and “AppMaps Mapquest“. Further more.
    • Map settings moved to a new location: Admin > JobRoller > Geo Services. This is done for AppMaps plugins.
    • Maps provider and Geocoding provider now have separated settings pages, which will allow setting different service providers and different API keys.
    • Implemented Location Autosuggest in search form.
    • Implemented Smart Radius in location search. Now, if Default Radius option is empty, location search will calculate radius depending on the search request. For example, search by country will cover all country, not the standard 50 mi/km from the center.
    • Allow to Turn off map.
    • Migrated job/resume forms geolocation fields to the AppMaps field.
  • Deprecated functions:
    • _jr_get_geolocation_url()
    • _jr_get_js_geolocation_url()
    • jr_calc_earth_distance()
    • jr_display_location_meta_box()
    • jr_geolocation_scripts()
    • jr_get_coordinates_by_location()
    • jr_reverse_geocode()
    • jr_save_meta_box()
    • jr_update_post_geo_metadata()
    • the_jr_coordinate()
  • Deprecated meta fields:
    • ‘_jr_geo_latitude’
    • ‘_jr_geo_longitude’
  • Deprecated options:
    • jr_gmaps_lang
    • jr_gmaps_region
    • jr_distance_unit
    • gmaps_api_key

Files Modified

Modified		framework
Modified		framework/admin/class-meta-box.php
Modified		framework/admin/class-system-info.php
Added			framework/admin/class-taxonomy-meta-box.php
Modified		framework/admin/class-user-meta-box.php
Modified		framework/admin/functions.php
Modified		framework/admin/importer.php
Modified		framework/admin/taxonomy-exclusive.php
Modified		framework/kernel/functions.php
Modified		framework/kernel/view-types.php
Modified		framework/load.php
Added			framework/media-manager/functions.php
Modified		framework/media-manager/media-manager.php
Added			framework/media-manager/media-manager-types.php
Added			framework/tests/kernel/test_class-view-page.php
Added			framework/tests/p2p/test-constraints.php
Added			framework/tests/p2p/test_core.php
Added			framework/tests/p2p/test_list.php
Modified		functions.php
Modified		header-resume-search.php
Modified		header-search.php
Modified		images/ad125a.gif
Modified		images/ad125b.gif
Modified		images/ad250.png
Added			images/appthemes-logo-white.png
Modified		images/banner_box.png
Modified		images/bg.png
Modified		images/button_grey.png
Modified		images/button_red.png
Modified		images/comments-bubble.png
Modified		images/fancybox/blank.gif
Modified		images/fancybox/fancybox-x.png
Modified		images/fancybox/fancybox-y.png
Modified		images/fancybox/fancy_close.png
Modified		images/fancybox/fancy_loading.png
Modified		images/fancybox/fancy_nav_left.png
Modified		images/fancybox/fancy_nav_right.png
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Modified		images/fancybox/fancy_shadow_s.png
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Modified		images/fancybox/fancy_title_over.png
Modified		images/file-excel.png
Modified		images/file-image.png
Modified		images/file-other.png
Modified		images/file-pdf.png
Modified		images/file-word.png
Modified		images/form.png
Modified		images/grey.gif
Modified		images/indeed-lg.png
Modified		images/li.png
Modified		images/loading.gif
Modified		images/logo.png
Modified		images/nav.png
Modified		images/overlay.png
Modified		images/pixel.png
Modified		images/profile-facebook.png
Modified		images/profile-linkedin.png
Modified		images/profile-twitter.png
Modified		images/ribbon-green-left.png
Modified		images/ribbon-green-right.png
Modified		images/ribbon-red-left.png
Modified		images/ribbon-red-right.png
Modified		images/search_input.png
Modified		images/search.png
Modified		images/step_active.png
Modified		images/step_done.png
Modified		images/step.png
Modified		images/style-basic/search.png
Modified		images/style-pro-blue/content.png
Modified		images/style-pro-blue/form.png
Modified		images/style-pro-blue/header.png
Modified		images/style-pro-blue/header_tile.png
Modified		images/style-pro-blue/pixel.png
Modified		images/style-pro-blue/search.png
Modified		images/style-pro-blue/top.png
Modified		images/style-pro-gray/content.png
Modified		images/style-pro-gray/form.png
Modified		images/style-pro-gray/header.png
Modified		images/style-pro-gray/header_tile.png
Modified		images/style-pro-gray/pixel.png
Modified		images/style-pro-gray/search.png
Modified		images/style-pro-green/content.png
Modified		images/style-pro-green/form.png
Modified		images/style-pro-green/header.png
Modified		images/style-pro-green/header_tile.png
Modified		images/style-pro-green/pixel.png
Modified		images/style-pro-green/search.png
Modified		images/style-pro-orange/content.png
Modified		images/style-pro-orange/form.png
Modified		images/style-pro-orange/header.png
Modified		images/style-pro-orange/header_tile.png
Modified		images/style-pro-orange/pixel.png
Modified		images/style-pro-orange/search.png
Modified		images/style-pro-red/content.png
Modified		images/style-pro-red/form.png
Modified		images/style-pro-red/header.png
Modified		images/style-pro-red/header_tile.png
Modified		images/style-pro-red/pixel.png
Modified		images/style-pro-red/search.png
Modified		images/tag.png
Modified		images/to-delete.png
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp/addons-mp-class.php
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp/admin.php
Added			includes/admin/addons-mp/api-translations.php
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp/css/styles.css
Modified		includes/admin/admin.css
Modified		includes/admin/admin.php
Added			includes/admin/class-admin-setup.php
Modified		includes/admin/importer.php
Modified		includes/admin/install.php
Modified		includes/admin/integration.php
Modified		includes/admin/meta-box.php
Modified		includes/admin/settings.php
Added			includes/admin/upgrade/install.php
Added			includes/admin/upgrade/upgrade.php
Added			includes/checkout
Modified		includes/core.php
Modified		includes/custom-forms
Modified		includes/custom-forms/form-builder.css
Modified		includes/custom-forms/form-builder.js
Modified		includes/custom-forms/templates.php
Modified		includes/deprecated.php
Modified		includes/forms.php
Modified		includes/forms/submit-job/submit-job-form.php
Modified		includes/forms/submit-resume/submit-resume-form.php
Added			includes/geo
Modified		includes/geolocation.php
Modified		includes/indeed/indeed.php
Modified		includes/js/job-form-scripts.js
Modified		includes/js/job-form-scripts.min.js
Modified		includes/js/resume-form-scripts.js
Modified		includes/js/resume-form-scripts.min.js
Modified		includes/js/theme-customizer.js
Modified		includes/js/theme-customizer.min.js
Modified		includes/js/theme-scripts.js
Modified		includes/js/theme-scripts.min.js
Modified		includes/options.php
Modified		includes/packs.php
Modified		includes/payments
Modified		includes/payments/admin/order-list.php
Modified		includes/payments/admin/order-single.php
Modified		includes/payments/admin/settings.php
Modified		includes/payments/escrow/gateways/paypal-adaptive/paypal-adaptive.php
Modified		includes/payments/escrow/gateways/paypal-adaptive/paypal-adaptive-request.php
Modified		includes/payments/escrow/order-escrow-class.php
Modified		includes/payments/escrow/order-escrow-factory.php
Modified		includes/payments/escrow/order-escrow-functions.php
Modified		includes/payments/gateways/paypal/paypal-bridge.php
Modified		includes/payments/gateways/paypal/paypal-form.php
Modified		includes/payments/order-class.php
Modified		includes/payments/order-factory.php
Modified		includes/payments/order-functions.php
Modified		includes/payments/tests/test_currencies.php
Modified		includes/payments/tests/test_order_processes.php
Modified		includes/payments/utils/currencies.php
Modified		includes/post-types.php
Modified		includes/recaptcha
Modified		includes/recaptcha/class-recaptcha.php
Added			includes/recaptcha/class-recaptcha-request.php
Modified		includes/recaptcha/functions.php
Modified		includes/recaptcha/load.php
Modified		includes/recurring
Modified		includes/recurring/load.php
Modified		includes/recurring/order-processing.php
Modified		includes/recurring/recurring-payments.php
Modified		includes/resumes.php
Modified		includes/setup-theme.php
Modified		includes/template-tags.php
Modified		includes/theme-support.php
Modified		includes/views.php
Modified		index.php
Renamed			jobroller.pot	languages/jobroller.pot
Added			languages/
Modified		screenshot.png
Modified		single-job_listing.php
Modified		style.css
Added			styles/.csslintrc
Modified		styles/pro.css
Modified		styles/style-basic.css
Modified		styles/style-default.css
Modified		styles/style-pro-blue.css
Modified		styles/style-pro-gray.css
Modified		styles/style-pro-green.css
Modified		styles/style-pro-orange.css
Modified		styles/style-pro-red.css
Modified		theme-framework
Modified		theme-framework/includes/views-login.php
Modified		theme-framework/kernel/breadcrumb-trail.php
Added			theme-framework/kernel/deprecated.php
Modified		theme-framework/kernel/functions.php
Modified		theme-framework/kernel/view-edit-profile.php
Modified		theme-framework/load.php
Added			theme-framework/
Modified		theme-framework/templates/foundation/form-registration.php
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