JobRoller Version 1.7.1

On June 18th, 2013, JobRoller 1.7.1 was released. This is a maintenance release that also introduces Responsiveness to JobRoller. Yes, JobRoller is now Responsive and ready for mobile devices. Fixed 39 tickets total. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Upgrade Information

Now you can automatically upgrade directly from your WordPress admin. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to JobRoller. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.


  • Blog featured images showing up twice
  • Free Packs not purchasable from the dashboard
  • Missing “Edit Page” button on the WP Admin Tool bar
  • NaN/NaN/NaN dysplaying on the “Expires on” field at the backend
  • Resume salary field not optional
  • Pagination on author pages not working
  • Pagination not working correctly on taxonomy pages
  • Pack plans duration inheriting job duration
  • Orders & Subscriptions Tab Appearing when not charging for job postings
  • Pack job counts not being displayed properly if greater then 10
  • External plugin WP-PageNavi not working
  • Role selection not available while registering, when submitting a job
  • ‘Buy Pack’ widget not being displayed to visitors
  • Missing RSS feed button for featured jobs
  • Pack plans not expiring automatically by date
  • Corrected the tip “Durations must be shorter than the Job duration.” to “Durations must be shorter or equal than the Job duration.”
  • CSS styling in the last step for the job submit form
  • ‘Orders’ tab being displayed to job seekers dashboard despite not being able to subscribe to resumes
  • Custom forms CSS styling issues on labels when using German localization (or with other translations using longer words)
  • jQuery validation plugin messages not localized
  • CSS styling issues in single Plans when there were no additional addon options displayed
  • Job durations set to blank (endless jobs), defaulting to 30 days, on paid plans
  • Company URL on featured jobs returning 404 page not found
  • Post count on job categories widget not being displayed
  • RSS alert feeds not found when enabling RSS alert feeds exclusively (alert feeds enabled + email alerts disabled)
  • Custom forms ‘radio’ and ‘checkbox’ fields set as ‘required’ not triggering the required empty fields warning
  • Job feeds (i.e: Indeed) keyword search not displaying the most relevant results
  • Currency format on bank transfer price total


  • JobRoller is now Responsive
  • Improved location search with smart radius. When radius is not set it will be automatically calculated based on the location being searched. Example, searching by ‘California’ will default to 745 radius
  • Visitors are now redirected to the login page when clicking ‘Buy Pack’ on the Packs widget
  • Removed included resumes addons duration limit footer message (“Durations must be shorter than…” ). Resumes addons durations can be longer then the pack or job duration.
  • Ignore resume subscription (access is Free) if resumes visibility settings are set to “Public”
  • Allow hidding resumes from Job Seekers by adding resume visibility settings for ‘Job Listers / Recruiter’ only
  • Expired pack plans now trigger an email to the pack author informing about the pack expiration
  • Two default single pricing plans (Free and Paid plan) and one category are now automatically generated on new installs
  • Replaced ‘esc_js()’ with ‘esc_attr()’ in job feeds ‘onmousedown’ attribute
  • Added TinyMCE to ‘How to Apply’, on backend
  • Added custom icons to Jobs and Resumes backend listings

Files Modified

Added			images/admin-icon-jobs-32.png
Added			images/admin-icon-resumes-32.png
Added			images/minus.png
Added			images/plus.png
Added			includes/js/jquery.footable.js
Modified		framework
Modified		functions.php
Modified		includes/admin/admin-payments-pricing.php
Modified		includes/admin/admin-post-types.php
Modified		includes/admin/admin-values.php
Modified		includes/admin/install-script.php
Modified		includes/admin/write-panel.php
Modified		includes/custom-forms
Modified		includes/custom-forms.php
Modified		includes/dashboard-orders.php
Modified		includes/featured-jobs.php
Modified		includes/forms/application/application-process.php
Modified		includes/forms/filter/filter-process.php
Modified		includes/forms/lister-packs/lister-packs-form.php
Modified		includes/forms/register/register-form.php
Modified		includes/forms/seeker-alerts/seeker-alerts-process.php
Modified		includes/forms/select-plan/select-plan-single-form.php
Modified		includes/forms/submit-job/submit-job-form.php
Modified		includes/forms/submit-resume/submit-resume-form.php
Modified		includes/forms/submit-resume/submit-resume-process.php
Modified		includes/indeed/theme-indeed.php
Modified		includes/job-form.php
Modified		includes/job-status.php
Modified		includes/js/job-form-scripts.js
Modified		includes/js/theme-scripts.js
Modified		includes/payments
Modified		includes/plan-activate.php
Modified		includes/plan-purchase.php
Modified		includes/template-tags.php
Modified		includes/theme-actions.php
Modified		includes/theme-alerts.php
Modified		includes/theme-cron.php
Modified		includes/theme-emails.php
Modified		includes/theme-enqueue.php
Modified		includes/theme-featured.php
Modified		includes/theme-functions.php
Modified		includes/theme-geolocation.php
Modified		includes/theme-header.php
Modified		includes/theme-packs.php
Modified		includes/theme-payments.php
Modified		includes/theme-resumes.php
Modified		includes/theme-support.php
Modified		includes/theme-widgets.php
Modified		includes/views.php
Modified		jobroller.pot
Modified		loop.php
Modified		search-resume.php
Modified		search.php
Modified		single-resume.php
Modified		single.php
Modified		style.css
Modified		styles/pro.css
Modified		styles/style-basic.css
Modified		styles/style-default.css
Modified		styles/style-pro-blue.css
Modified		styles/style-pro-gray.css
Modified		styles/style-pro-green.css
Modified		styles/style-pro-orange.css
Modified		styles/style-pro-red.css
Modified		tpl-job-seeker-dashboard.php
Modified		tpl-myjobs.php
Modified		tpl-purchase-pack.php
Modified		tpl-purchase-resume-subscription.php
Modified		tpl-submit.php
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