JobRoller Version 1.6.2

On July 18th, 2012, JobRoller 1.6.2 was released. This is a maintenance and security release. It addresses a handful of bugs and adds some new features. Upgrading is highly recommended for all 1.6 customers. Fixed 25 tickets total. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Changes include, new option do display Indeed listing before or after database jobs, featured jobs now displaying contextually on taxonomy pages (by category, by type, etc…), and location search speed optimization.

Important Note

We are preparing to replace get_template_part() with require() on data validation pages (submit-job-process.php, confirm-job-process.php, etc). Please do not use these files on child themes as they will become obsolete on future releases. New hooks will be provided to allow changes.

Upgrade Information

Now you can automatically upgrade directly from your WordPress admin. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to JobRoller. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.


  • Pagination on sites running WordPress 3.4.x
  • Indeed logo’s redirecting users to
  • Changing job visibility to ‘password’ redirecting users to the login page instead of the related job listing
  • Resume images being displayed to users without resume access, on search engines
  • Jobs duration always defaulting to 30 days
  • Pagination not being displayed on the ‘Alerts Subscribers’ page
  • ‘Job Listing URL’ permalink option not working properly
  • Alerts not being triggered correctly for job descriptions containing quotes
  • Location search always returning the country in english
  • WP remote post check for PayPal IPN failing on the ‘System info’ page
  • Fixed ‘Warning: Division by zero’ on the job packs page when using a single job category


  • Improved performance for location searches
  • Removed ‘post_type=’ parameter from the RSS Feeds when using the feeburner url
  • Clicking the author link on a blog page or blog listing now display the user posts instead of his jobs list
  • Pending jobs on the user dashboard no longer clickable by users with no admin permissions
  • Added option to display Indeed results before or after DB jobs
  • Featured jobs are now displayed contextually on all the taxonomy pages (by job type, by job category, etc…)
  • Fallback to the parent ‘/styles’ folder when using child themes that do no use have their own ‘/styles’ folder
  • Added additional tooltip text to ‘Job Type Base URL’ informing that ‘type’ is a reserved WordPress word
  • Replaced ‘Speciality’ and ‘Specialities’ with ‘Specialty’ and ‘Specialties’
  • Added additional hook ‘after_jobs_by_date’
  • Added additional hook ‘after_jobs_taxonomy’
  • Replaced older Wordress deprecated calls
  • Unified taxonomy templates into a single taxonomy template
  • Additional structure changes for the AppThemes framework

Files Modified

Modified 404.php
Added    archive-job_listing.php
Modified archive-resume.php
Modified archive.php
Modified author.php
Modified changelog.txt
Modified footer.php
Modified framework
Modified functions.php
Modified header-resume-search.php
Modified header-search.php
Modified header.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-alerts-subscribers.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-jobpacks.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-options.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-post-types.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-values.php
Modified includes/appthemes-functions.php
Modified includes/classes/orders.class.php
Modified includes/featured-jobs.php
Modified includes/forms/filter/filter-process.php
Modified includes/forms/forgot-password/forgot-password-form.php
Modified includes/forms/login/login-form.php
Added    includes/forms/login/login-register-form.php
Modified includes/forms/submit-resume/submit-resume-form.php
Modified includes/indeed/theme-indeed.php
Modified includes/sidebar-resume-nav.php
Modified includes/sidebar-sjob.php
Modified includes/sidebar-user.php
Modified includes/theme-actions.php
Modified includes/theme-alerts.php
Modified includes/theme-functions.php
Modified includes/theme-header.php
Modified includes/theme-login.php
Modified includes/theme-widgets.php
Modified index.php
Modified jobroller-no-admin.pot
Modified jobroller.pot
Modified loop.php
Modified page.php
Modified search-resume.php
Modified search.php
Modified single-job_listing.php
Modified single-resume.php
Modified single.php
Modified style.css
Added    taxonomy-job.php
Modified taxonomy-job_cat.php
Modified taxonomy-job_salary.php
Modified taxonomy-job_tag.php
Modified taxonomy-job_type.php
Modified tpl-add-new-confirm.php
Modified tpl-blog.php
Modified tpl-contact.php
Modified tpl-dashboard.php
Modified tpl-edit-job.php
Modified tpl-edit-resume.php
Modified tpl-job-cats.php
Modified tpl-job-seeker-dashboard.php
Modified tpl-jobs-by-date.php
Modified tpl-myjobs.php
Modified tpl-profile.php
Modified tpl-submit.php
Added    wrapper.php
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