JobRoller Version 1.6.1

On June 6th, 2012, JobRoller 1.6.1 (our WordPress job board theme) was released. This is a maintenance and security release. It addresses a handful of bugs, patches a potential security vulnerability, and adds some new features. Upgrading is highly recommended for all 1.6 customers. Fixed 18 tickets total. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Changes include, automatic disabling of color stylesheets when using child themes, and JobRoller post types (job types, job categories, etc..) no longer being recreated every time the theme is updated.

This version also includes an important security fix for a potential cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.

Upgrade Information

Now you can automatically upgrade directly from your WordPress admin. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to JobRoller. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.


  • Fixed Free job packs not being displayed when the free job pack limit option was empty
  • Fixed ‘Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string’ on sidebar widget, for missing job tag slugs
  • Fixed warning RSS notice displayed on new job seeker registrations (when WP_DEBUG set to ‘yes’)
  • Fixed cut tooltip message ‘This banner appears in a job listing, usually between’, on the advertising page
  • Fixed pagination when listing jobs by Tag
  • Fixed missing featured jobs when deleting the ‘featured’ category
  • Fixed missing localization for some buttons on the admin Orders page
  • Fixed missing strings on the .pot file
  • Fixed packs with single jobs purchased from the dashboard not being displayed
  • Fixed Indeed results sometimes not displaying the related jobs when using the sidebar widget


  • Color stylesheets are automatically disabled when using a child theme (child themes need to @import style.css and style-color.css)
  • Complete rewrite of frontend notices that used URL parameters to avoid XSS exploits
  • Job categories on the sidebar widget can be nested in two levels
  • Jobroller related terms (job type, job categories, etc…) are no longer recreated every time the theme is updated (if there are posted jobs)
  • Added extra comments to ‘theme-enqueue.php’ for loaded javacript files
  • Allow Indeed jobs browsing (using sidebar widget) when there are no user queries set (returns US, part-time and full-time jobs)
  • Saving the job alerts preferences now displays a notice
  • Additional internal best practices changes

Files Modified

Modified functions.php
Modified header.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-alerts-subscribers.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-jobpacks.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-options.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-orders.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-style.css
Modified includes/admin/admin-subscriptions.php
Modified includes/admin/admin-values.php
Modified includes/admin/install-script.php
Modified includes/classes/packs.class.php
Modified includes/featured-jobs.php
Modified includes/forms/application/application-process.php
Modified includes/forms/edit-job/edit-job-process.php
Modified includes/forms/edit-job/relist-job-process.php
Modified includes/forms/lister-packs/lister-packs-process.php
Modified includes/forms/resume/edit_parts.php
Modified includes/forms/seeker-alerts/seeker-alerts-form.php
Modified includes/forms/seeker-alerts/seeker-alerts-process.php
Modified includes/indeed/theme-indeed.php
Modified includes/sidebar-nav.php
Modified includes/theme-alerts.php
Modified includes/theme-emails.php
Modified includes/theme-enqueue.php
Modified includes/theme-functions.php
Modified jobroller-no-admin.pot
Modified jobroller.pot
Modified single-resume.php
Modified style.css
Modified taxonomy-job_tag.php
Modified tpl-contact.php
Modified tpl-edit-job.php
Modified tpl-edit-resume.php
Modified tpl-job-seeker-dashboard.php
Modified tpl-myjobs.php
Modified tpl-submit.php
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