Clipper Version 2.0.8

On July 28th, 2021, Clipper 2.0.8 was released. This release introduces few improvements, patches few bugs, PHP8 and WordPress 5.8 compatibility fixes.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to Clipper. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.


  • Fixed compatibility issue with “Advanced Post Cache” plugin that causes 0 total transaction issue.
  • Fixed issue with Reset Password
  • Update Google Fonts list in Customizer
  • Added WordPress Confirm action handler to the AppThemes Login page.
  • Disallow direct access to the Password Reset page.
  • Removed Password from the user registration email
  • Fixed issue with registering widgets in block-based editors (WordPress 5.8 compatibility issue).
  • Fixed PHP8 issues.
  • Fixed fatal error when logging PayPal subscription attempt error in APP_PayPal_Bridge.
  • Make sure, that pending order deleted after listing moved to trash. Appeared in WordPress 5.6.
  • Allow decimals in the Plan price field.
  • Hyperlink code is stripped for stores imported via CSV import.
  • Blog comments not displayed.


  • Updated MarketPlace Addons browser
  • Added more columns in the plans table.
  • Deprecate our favicon feature in favor of WP 4.3 Site icon feature
  • Added password Strength indicator to foundation registration form

Files Modified

Modified		framework
Modified		framework/admin/class-meta-box.php
Modified		framework/admin/class-tabs-page.php
Modified		framework/admin/class-taxonomy-meta-box.php
Modified		framework/admin/class-widget.php
Modified		framework/admin/importer.php
Modified		framework/admin/versions.php
Modified		framework/.gitmodules
Modified		framework/includes/ajax/class-ajax-view.php
Modified		framework/includes/comment-counts.php
Modified		framework/kernel/functions.php
Modified		framework/kernel/hooks.php
Modified		framework/kernel/notices.php
Modified		framework/kernel/view-types.php
Modified		framework/load.php
Modified		framework/media-manager/functions.php
Modified		framework/media-manager/media-manager.php
Deleted			framework/scb
Added			framework/scb-appthemes
Modified		includes/actions.php
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp/addons-mp-class.php
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp/admin.php
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp/api-translations.php
Added			includes/admin/addons-mp/class-addons-mp-request.php
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp/css/styles.css
Modified		includes/admin/addons-mp/load.php
Modified		includes/admin/importer.php
Modified		includes/admin/post-status.php
Modified		includes/comments.php
Modified		includes/core
Modified		includes/core/extra/plans/admin/class-listing-plans-details-metabox.php
Modified		includes/core/extra/plans/admin/class-listing-plans-duration-metabox.php
Modified		includes/core/extra/plans/class-listing-plans.php
Modified		includes/core/extra/recurring/class-listing-recurring.php
Modified		includes/core/extra/tax-limit/admin/class-listing-plans-tax-limit-metabox.php
Modified		includes/core/parts/payments/admin/class-listing-plans-price-metabox.php
Modified		includes/core/tests/extra/plans/test_class-listing-plans.php
Modified		includes/payments
Modified		includes/payments/admin/order-meta.php
Modified		includes/payments/gateways/paypal/paypal-bridge.php
Modified		tests/lib/phpunit.xml
Modified		theme-framework
Modified		theme-framework/includes/views-login.php
Modified		theme-framework/kernel/breadcrumb-trail.php
Added			theme-framework/kernel/deprecated.php
Modified		theme-framework/kernel/functions.php
Modified		theme-framework/lib/customizer-custom-controls/inc/google-fonts-alphabetical.json
Modified		theme-framework/lib/customizer-custom-controls/inc/google-fonts-popularity.json
Modified		theme-framework/load.php
Modified		theme-framework/templates/foundation/form-password-reset.php
Modified		theme-framework/templates/foundation/form-registration.php
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