Ideas Version 1.2

On February 18th 2013, Ideas 1.2 was released. This is a maintenance, stability, and new feature release. Upgrading is highly recommended. Fixed 20 tickets total. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or visit and click on My Account to download the updated version.


  • added missing comments_template() to page templates
  • don’t show “comments are closed” message when no comments exist
  • display tags and categories to blog post footers
  • added blog post trackback section
  • don’t show sorting tabs when zero search results
  • blog category pages now work correctly
  • styled threaded comments so they nest properly
  • form submission error messages formatting
  • changed site_url() to home_url() in email templates
  • wp_editor js error when comments were turned off on posts
  • added missing comment fields if visitor is not logged in
  • added html5shiv javascript for html5 support in legacy browsers
  • fixed page title tag by removing prepended arrows
  • fixed “Require Login to Respond” issue where blog comment setting affected it
  • selected profile display name shows on front-end instead of username


  • added a favicon website icon
  • added styles for sticky post
  • added styles for image galleries
  • submit idea page content can now be edited
  • added image.php page template for galleries
  • added category & archive templates for blog posts
  • added rich snippet microdata for SEO benefits
  • added new dedicated sidebar for single blog posts
  • enabled blog search widget & added search results page
  • added filter to exclude pages from blog search results
  • moved blog & page loops into separate content template
  • switched to comment_form() and using filters instead
  • login and logout links now redirect to previous page
  • changed submit idea textarea to instead use wp_editor
  • added the pre quicktag to wp_editor for code embedding
  • edit profile display name field changed to drop-down
  • moved all shared color css elements into style.css
  • upgrade jQuery validate script from 1.9 to 1.11
  • added jQuery validate to registration fields
  • hide password confirm field until password field is clicked into
  • setup registration page so content can be easily added
  • auto enable “anyone can register” option on first activation
  • changed install script so it only runs on first activation

Files Modified

M	404.php
M	add-idea-no-auth.php
M	add-idea.php
M	archive-idea.php
A	archive.php
M	author.php
A	category.php
M	changelog.txt
M	comments-idea.php
M	comments.php
M	content-idea.php
A	content-none.php
A	content-page.php
A	content.php
M	edit-profile.php
A	form-comments-ideas.php
M	form-comments.php
M	form-idea.php
M	form-registration.php
M	functions.php
M	ideas.pot
A	image.php
A	images/favicon.ico
M	includes/admin/admin.php
M	includes/admin/idea-list.php
M	includes/admin/scripts/idea-edit.js
M	includes/admin/updates.php
M	includes/comments.php
M	includes/core.php
M	includes/email.php
M	includes/header.php
M	includes/template-tags.php
M	includes/views.php
M	includes/widgets.php
M	index.php
M	page-fullwidth.php
M	page.php
A	scripts/html5.js
M	scripts/idea-edit.js
M	scripts/idea-single.js
M	scripts/jquery.validate.min.js
M	scripts/scripts.js
M	sidebar-add-idea.php
M	sidebar-header.php
M	sidebar-page.php
M	sidebar-post.php
M	sidebar-single-idea.php
A	sidebar-single.php
M	sidebar.php
M	single.php
M	style.css
M	styles/blue.css
M	styles/green.css
M	styles/grey.css
M	styles/orange.css
M	styles/red.css
M	wrapper.php
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