
This function executes in gateways/gateway.php to process the payment.

To learn more about processing payments in ClassiPress, read this tutorial.


This hook provides the order values to process as the first and only argument. In your code, you need to check the cp_payment_method element of the order values array to make sure it corresponds to your payment processor. If it isn’t, you should return.

function your_payment_processor( $order_values ){
    if( $order_values['cp_payment_method'] != "your_payment_processor" ){
    // process order here...
add_action( 'cp_action_gateway', 'your_payment_processor', 10, 1 );


function buy_stuff_processor( $order_values ){
    // Only handle BuyStuff payments
    if( $order_values['cp_payment_method'] != "buystuff" ){
    // Process the payment with library function
    bs_process_payment( $order_values );
    // Send email with information
    $email = '';
    $email .= __( 'Thanks for purchasing ', 'bs' )  . $order_values['item_name'] . '.';
    $email .= __( ' Your total is ', 'bs' ) . $order_values['item_amount']. '.';
    $email .= __( ' Please come again!', 'bs' );
    // Send email with library function
    bs_email_customer( $email );
add_action( 'cp_action_gateway', 'buy_stuff_processor', 10, 1 );


  • since 1.1

Source File

cp_action_gateway() is located in gateways/gateway.php.

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