
This function executes in the comments-[post_type].php file and loads the pingback/trackback function call. You can remove this action and replace it with your own.


This hook provides no parameters. You use this hook by having your function echo output to the browser, or by having it perform background tasks. Your functions shouldn’t return, and shouldn’t take any parameters.

add_action( 'appthemes_list_pings', 'your_function' );


// remove the default ClassiPress pingback/trackback code
remove_action( 'appthemes_list_pings', 'cp_list_pings' );
// now load your own pingback/trackback code
function insert_your_code_block() { 
    global $post;
    wp_list_comments( array( 
        'callback' => 'my_custom_comment_callback', 
        'type' => 'pings'
     ) );
add_action( 'appthemes_list_pings', 'insert_your_code_block' ); 


  • since 1.1

Source File

appthemes_list_pings() is located in comments-[post_type].php.

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