
Runs in the loop.php file and runs before the have_posts() loop whenever any blog post is loaded.


Example: Advertisment

This code would display an AppThemes banner advertisement above the content of every page.

function insert_banner_ad_before_page_loop() { 
    echo '<a href=""><img src=""></a>';
add_action( 'appthemes_before_blog_loop', 'insert_banner_ad_before_page_loop' );

Example: Advertisment on category page

This code would display an AppThemes banner advertisement above the content of category page.

function insert_banner_ad_on_category_page() { 
    echo '<a href=""><img src=""></a>';
add_action( 'appthemes_before_blog_loop', 'insert_banner_ad_on_category_page' );

Example: Adding an Announcement Bar

You can insert special information for the user about a sale, upcoming event, or other notification here.

function sale_annoucement() { 
    echo '<div class="annoucement">' . __( 'Come back July 5th for 10% off everything!', 'appthemes' ) . '</div>';
add_action( 'appthemes_before_blog_loop', 'sale_annoucement' );


  • since 1.1

Source File

appthemes_before_blog_loop() is located in loop.php.

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