AppThemes Docs

HireBee Version 1.3

On January 6th 2014, HireBee 1.3 (our WordPress freelance marketplace theme) was released. This is a feature release focused on giving site owners the ability to manage work disputes but also provides additional features and several bug fixes. Upgrading is recommended. Fixed 30 tickets total.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or visit and click on My Account to download the updated version.

About Disputes

Disputes are now available as an option (Admin > Payments > Settings > Escrow > Disputes). When enabled freelancers will be able to open disputes whenever an employer cancels or closes a project that a freelancer marked as complete. At this time site owners will be notified and asked to arbitrate each dispute from the Disputes backend page. From this page site owners will be able access all the workspace and participants information and choose the outcome of the dispute.

Important: When a dispute is opened, the money will be kept in escrow until a decision is made by the site owner. If the decision is closed in favor of the employer, a refund is issued, otherwise, the freelancer is paid in full for his work.

Additionally there’s an option to choose how many days a freelancer is given to open a dispute (10 days max). If a dispute is not opened during this time, the employer will be fully refunded.




Files Modified

Added dashboard-workspace-section-disputes.php
Added dashboard-workspace-section-manage-reviewer.php
Added form-dispute.php
Added includes/disputes.php
Added includes/disputes/admin/disputes-list.php
Added includes/disputes/admin/settings.php
Added includes/disputes/admin/single-dispute.php
Added includes/disputes/dispute-functions.php
Added includes/disputes/load.php
Deleted order-gateway.php
Deleted scripts/jquery/jquery.colorbox-min.js
Deleted scripts/jquery/jquery.validate.min.js
Modified comments.php
Modified content-project.php
Modified content-proposal.php
Modified dashboard-projects-section-projects.php
Modified dashboard-workspace-section-manage-employer.php
Modified dashboard-workspace-section-manage-worker.php
Modified dashboard-workspace.php
Modified dashboard.php
Modified form-project.php
Modified form-review.php
Modified form-workspace-manage-employer.php
Modified framework
Modified functions.php
Modified hirebee.pot
Modified includes/activate.php
Modified includes/admin/admin.css
Modified includes/admin/admin.php
Modified includes/admin/settings.php
Modified includes/admin/users.php
Modified includes/capabilities.php
Modified includes/checkout
Modified includes/custom-forms
Modified includes/custom-forms.php
Modified includes/customizer.php
Modified includes/dashboard.php
Modified includes/escrow.php
Modified includes/forms-dashboard.php
Modified includes/forms-projects.php
Modified includes/forms-purchase.php
Modified includes/helper.php
Modified includes/loops.php
Modified includes/media.php
Modified includes/notifications.php
Modified includes/options.php
Modified includes/payments
Modified includes/projects.php
Modified includes/proposals.php
Modified includes/reviews
Modified includes/setup-theme.php
Modified includes/status.php
Modified includes/template-tags-orders.php
Modified includes/template-tags-projects.php
Modified includes/template-tags-site.php
Modified includes/theme-support.php
Modified includes/views-dashboard.php
Modified includes/views-projects.php
Modified includes/views-proposals.php
Modified includes/views-purchase.php
Modified includes/views-users.php
Modified includes/widgets
Modified includes/widgets.php
Modified includes/workspace.php
Modified order-checkout.php
Modified order-summary-content.php
Modified order-summary-template.php
Modified profile-section-posts.php
Modified profile.php
Modified scripts/saved-filters.js
Modified scripts/scripts.js
Modified scripts/workspace.js
Modified single-project-section-clarification.php
Modified style.css
Modified styles/modern.css
Modified widget-recent-posts.php
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