Setting up Payment Gateway

Create a Stripe Account

You need to have created an account on You’ll need to have activated the account if you want to start accepting live payments.

Get your API Keys

You can get your API keys from your settings page. To do this, click on ‘Your Account’ and navigate to the API Keys tab. These API keys will need to be placed in the Stripe Gateway settings on your Vantage site.

You will need to turn on or off the ‘Live API Keys’ based on your situation. If you are intending to use Stripe for real payments and have turned on the live mode in your Stripe Account, you will want to check the ‘Use Live API Keys’ box. If not, leave it unchecked.

Enable the Gateway

Now you can go to the ‘Payments’ tab and enable the Stripe payment gateway. Your users will now see ‘Credit Card’ as a payment option.


This gateway requires user’s to have javascript-enabled browsers. Users without javascript will experience problems. Consider your user-base before installation, as you might want to offer other solutions for users without javascript enabled.

PCI Compliance

Stripe allows site owners to be PCI compliant very easily, because the site never handles the credit card information. However, sites will only be consider PCI compliant if the form the users enter the card information to is SSL secured.

By default most AppThemes products do not enforce SSL pages. If you have purchased an SSL certificate for your site and wish to be PCI compliant, you can go to the settings of the Stripe Payment Gateway and enable the SSL Redirect option. This will redirect users to an SSL version of the Stripe credit card form when they begin to pay for their order.

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