Clipper Version 1.6.3

On February 8th 2016, Clipper 1.6.3 was released. This is a maintenance release that addresses some issues found on the last release and some missed incompatibilities with WordPress 4.4 and PHP7. Updating is highly recommended. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or visit and click on My Account to download the updated version.


  • Recaptcha error “Could not open a socket”
  • User password changes without request from the user
  • TinyMCE Validation Issue on the Front End
  • Can’t edit expired coupons from wp-admin
  • Unable to remove featured coupon when expired without changing expire date (now it’s possible in condition that option “Prune Coupons” is disabled)
  • Search Auto-Complete and HTML Entities Problem
  • Copy button is not showing on android phones
  • Copy Code button not working on Android Firefox browser


  • Added user notice on a Recaptcha verification failing
  • Changed http to https for social links and AppThemes
  • Added option to Hide unreliable coupons from featured slider
  • Added Featured coupon on the CSV importer
  • Coupon clicks behaviour: Now, if user’s browser doesn’t support Flash, direct links won’t work, the popup window will shown instead.

Files Modified

Modified author.php
Modified changelog.txt
Modified clipper.pot
Modified content-coupon.php
Modified content-search-post.php
Modified examples/coupons.csv
Modified framework
Modified functions.php
Modified header.php
Modified includes/actions.php
Modified includes/admin/addons-mp
Modified includes/admin/importer.php
Modified includes/admin/settings.php
Modified includes/enqueue.php
Modified includes/functions.php
Modified includes/js/theme-scripts.js
Added includes/js/zeroclipboard/.jshintrc
Added includes/js/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.Core.js
Added includes/js/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.Core.min.js
Added includes/js/zeroclipboard/
Modified includes/js/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.js
Modified includes/js/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.min.js
Modified includes/js/zeroclipboard/
Modified includes/js/zeroclipboard/ZeroClipboard.swf
Modified includes/lib/recaptchalib.php
Modified includes/options.php
Modified includes/search.php
Modified includes/widgets
Modified sidebar-user.php
Modified single-coupon.php
Modified style.css
Modified theme-framework
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Popular Add-ons

Framer for Clipper

Opens Clipper coupons & stores in cute iframes.


Coupons Tagger

Looking for coupons without tags, and generate them based on coupon title…


Duplicate Title Checker

Creates a unique title for each listing.
