Clipper Version 1.6.2

On December 10th 2015, Clipper 1.6.2 was released. This is a maintenance release with some compatibility fixes for the latest WordPress 4.4. Updating is highly recommended. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or visit and click on My Account to download the updated version.


  • Coupons added through the backend immediately expiring if expiration date was left empty
  • Lost user password after edit profile
  • Fatal error: Call to undefined method when go to edit comment on blog post edit page in wp-admin


  • Coupons expiration date is no longer a required field
  • Deprecate use of APP_View_Page::_get_id()
  • Change widgets names to ‘Theme Name Widget Title’
  • Added ‘app-require-updater’ theme support
  • WordPress 4.4 compatibility

Files Modified

Modified .gitmodules
Modified changed_files.txt
Modified changelog.txt
Modified clipper.pot
Modified examples/clipper-child/includes/child-views.php
Modified form-listing-details.php
Modified form-listing-edit.php
Modified framework
Modified functions.php
Modified includes/admin/listing-single.php
Modified includes/checkout
Modified includes/functions.php
Added includes/open-graph
Modified includes/payments
Modified includes/reports
Added includes/search-index
Added includes/stats
Modified includes/views-checkout.php
Modified includes/views.php
Modified includes/widgets
Modified includes/widgets.php
Modified style.css
Added theme-framework
Modified tpl-profile.php
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