Vantage Version 4.2.1

On December 6th, 2018, Vantage 4.2.1 was released. This release is patching issues reported in the last 10-11 days.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to Vantage. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the full version.


  • Delete pending recurring orders when listing get status DELETED or TRASH or when listing permanently deleted


  • Added “Closest” option to the Order by drop-down in Refine Results widget. Now users can sort listings by distance. “Closest” option will be set by default for location search requests with empty search keywords.

Files Modified

Modified		changelog.txt
Modified		functions.php
Modified		includes/class-refine-search.php
Modified		includes/core
Modified		includes/views/class-listing-search.php
Modified		languages/vantage.pot
Modified		style.css
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