How to Setup Ad Banners

Within your Admin Panel, you can go to the ‘General > Advertising” tab. From there you can configure the following ad spaces:

  • Header Ad (468×60) – This ad appears to the right of your ClassiPress homepage Header space and the
  • Single Ad (336×280) – This ad appears at the bottom of individual ad pages.

To use these ads, just complete the required fields to use them as indicated.

If you wish, you may also use the “CP 125×125 Ads” widget which can be found in the WordPress Admin > Appearance > Widgets screen. To use, just drag and drop the widget across to the relevant sidebar location.

By default, you’ll see code as below:||Ad 1|nofollow||Ad 2|follow||Ad 3|nofollow||Ad 4|follow

To use this widget, you need to do the following:

The first part (e.g., should be replaced with the relevant URL for the site you are advertising.

The second part(e.g., should be replaced with the relevant URL to the image for that particular ad. You will need to have created the image in the correct size, and uploaded the image itself to your host account in order for this link to work.

Alternatively, you may find it easier to simply use a plugin instead of the actual CP widget, which is entirely up to you. Third party plugins are not officially supported, but a suggestion from other customers in our support forums is to use this one.

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