ClassiPress Version 3.2

On November 5th, 2012, ClassiPress 3.2 was released. This is a maintenance and minor new feature release. Fixed 87 tickets total. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or visit and click on My Account to download the updated version.


  • Fixed errors on PHP 5.4.x
  • Adblock extension for browsers was hiding title of an ad
  • Widgets in sidebar had duplicated identificators
  • Search widget was not properly displayed in IE7 and IE8
  • Map was incorrectly displayed after contact form used, or reposition of tabs
  • Submit buttons in tinymce html editor was incorrectly positioned in IE
  • Corrected use of $wpdb->insert() and $wpdb->update() where applicable
  • Search in specific category did not search tags
  • Search suggest was returning tags without assigned ads
  • While purchase membership with bank transfer, incorrect labels was displayed
  • Fixed undefined indexes while creating ad packages
  • Disabling ‘charge for listings’ was not disable purchase of featured ad
  • Corrected misspelled word for membership reminders
  • Geo location was not removed from database while deleting ad
  • Search url had missed trailing slash on subdirectory installs
  • Some css and js files was hardcoded, not enqueued
  • External JS libraries was not enqueued over ssl, if applicable
  • Sender name in email from contact form did no had stripped slashes
  • Custom email after registration was not sending, WP default was sent
  • Fixed background display issue on iphone
  • Customers was able to modify their membership level by using hidden fields
  • Migration script from CP 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 was causing ‘out of memory’ on larger sites
  • Fixed backend protection option which did not work on multisite installs
  • Pagination urls while using refine search on WP older than 3.4 was causing errors
  • Shortcodes was displayed in content preview
  • PayPal IPN check in “System Info” page was showing incorrect results
  • HTML tags was not stripped if ‘Allow HTML’ option set to ‘No’
  • Radio, checkbox and select field values was not selected properly if saved with spaces
  • FireFox displayed warning while returning from paypal if using ipn on non ssl sites
  • If ‘User set password’ option was disabled, wasn’t possible to add user from back-end
  • Membership benefit message was displayed after membership expiration
  • Renewed ad wasn’t placed on the top of newest ads
  • Distance unit was not properly translated in refine results box
  • ‘cp_zipcode’ field was missed from updating geocode
  • Blog category selection box was not displaying properly


  • Implemented template wrappers
  • Implemented new themed login pages
  • Implemented new files uploader
  • Added importer with example csv files
  • Added compatibility with WP default permalink structure (without rewrite)
  • Added custom menu to footer
  • Added example child theme which displays featured ads on homepage
  • Added columns option for categories list on homepage
  • Changed document doctype
  • Added viewport meta data
  • Changed usage of ‘rel’ attribute to ‘data-rel’
  • Added classes for IE in html tag
  • Updated JS libraries (cufon, selectbox, jquery cdn, timepicker, datepicker, slider, autocomplete)
  • Added notice about membership benefit while posting an ad
  • Added user data into membership transactions list
  • Added alternative prune sql query, can be activated with ‘CP_ALTERNATIVE_PRUNE_SQL’ constant
  • Moved ‘register_form’ hook over submit button
  • TinyMCE is loading now as inline popup instead of browser popup
  • Added separate feed url for blog pages
  • Added ads into main feed
  • Added ‘cp_author_info’ hook into ad sidebar, author sidebar and author page
  • Function ‘cp_edit_ad_formbuilder’ has been wrapped
  • reCaptcha is added now to registration page by using ‘register_form’ hook
  • Price slider parted on 2 ranges now, shows thousands checkbox
  • Improved price cleaning feature, it’s recommended to have it enabled
  • Added tabs with listings and posts on author page
  • Added new author sidebar
  • Renamed ‘user sidebar’ to ‘dashboard sidebar’
  • Added price formatting settings, available on “ClassiPress->Pricing” page
  • Improved installation and updating process
  • Added relisting feature
  • PayPal and Bank Transfer are added to payment options list by using hooks
  • Added link to tutorial about enabling PayPal IPN
  • Added css class ‘featured’ to featured ads
  • Added line breaks for author description
  • Facebook, Twitter and Website links are hidden now if not provided by author

Files Modified

Modified    404.php
Modified    archive-ad_listing.php
Modified    archive.php
Modified    attachment.php
Modified    author.php
Modified    changelog.txt
Modified    classipress-no-admin.pot
Modified    classipress.pot
Added    examples/ads-with-attachments.csv
Added    examples/ads.csv
Added    examples/classipress-child/functions.php
Added    examples/classipress-child/index.php
Added    examples/classipress-child/style.css
Modified    featured.php
Modified    footer.php
Modified    framework
Modified    functions.php
Modified    header.php
Modified    includes/admin/admin-addons.php
Modified    includes/admin/admin-enqueue.php
Modified    includes/admin/admin-notices.php
Modified    includes/admin/admin-options.php
Modified    includes/admin/admin-post-types.php
Modified    includes/admin/admin-style.css
Modified    includes/admin/admin-updates.php
Modified    includes/admin/admin-values.php
Modified    includes/admin/install-script.php
Modified    includes/appthemes-functions.php
Deleted    includes/forms/forgot-password/forgot-password-form.php
Deleted    includes/forms/login/login-form.php
Deleted    includes/forms/login/login-process.php
Deleted    includes/forms/register/register-form.php
Deleted    includes/forms/register/register-process.php
Modified    includes/forms/step-functions.php
Modified    includes/forms/step1-membership.php
Modified    includes/forms/step1.php
Modified    includes/forms/step2-membership.php
Modified    includes/forms/step2.php
Modified    includes/forms/step3-membership.php
Modified    includes/forms/step3.php
Modified    includes/gateways/admin-gateway-values.php
Modified    includes/gateways/banktransfer/banktransfer.php
Modified    includes/gateways/gateway.php
Modified    includes/gateways/paypal/ipn.php
Modified    includes/gateways/paypal/paypal.php
Modified    includes/gateways/process.php
Modified    includes/js/colorbox/jquery.colorbox-min.js
Added    includes/js/colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js
Modified    includes/js/cufon-yui.js
Modified    includes/js/selectbox.min.js
Modified    includes/js/theme-scripts.js
Modified    includes/js/timepicker.min.js
Deleted    includes/js/ui.autocomplete.js
Deleted    includes/js/ui.datepicker.js
Deleted    includes/js/ui.slider.min.js
Modified    includes/sidebar-blog-posts.php
Modified    includes/sidebar-gmap.php
Modified    includes/sidebar-popular.php
Modified    includes/theme-actions.php
Modified    includes/theme-comments.php
Modified    includes/theme-cron.php
Modified    includes/theme-deprecated.php
Modified    includes/theme-emails.php
Modified    includes/theme-enqueue.php
Modified    includes/theme-footer.php
Modified    includes/theme-functions.php
Modified    includes/theme-header.php
Modified    includes/theme-hooks.php
Deleted    includes/theme-login.php
Modified    includes/theme-profile.php
Modified    includes/theme-refine.php
Modified    includes/theme-searchbar.php
Modified    includes/theme-security.php
Modified    includes/theme-sidebars.php
Modified    includes/theme-widgets.php
Added    includes/views.php
Modified    index.php
Modified    loop-ad_listing.php
Modified    loop-featured.php
Modified    page.php
Modified    search.php
Modified    sidebar-ad.php
Added    sidebar-author.php
Modified    sidebar-user.php
Modified    sidebar.php
Modified    single-ad_listing.php
Modified    single.php
Modified    style.css
Deleted    styles/login-style.css
Modified    taxonomy-ad_cat.php
Modified    taxonomy-ad_tag.php
Modified    tpl-add-new-confirm.php
Modified    tpl-add-new.php
Modified    tpl-blog.php
Added    tpl-categories.php
Modified    tpl-dashboard.php
Modified    tpl-edit-item.php
Modified    tpl-full-width.php
Added    tpl-login.php
Modified    tpl-membership-confirm.php
Modified    tpl-membership-purchase.php
Added    tpl-password-recovery.php
Added    tpl-password-reset.php
Modified    tpl-profile.php
Added    tpl-registration.php
Added    wrapper.php
Your rating: none
Rating: 4.8 - 10 votes

Popular Add-ons

App Order Push

Send Push Notifications for Sales to your iOS or Android device.


Ad Scroller

A sticky banner or text ad sidebar widget.


Balanced Payments

Accept credit cards and setup escrow payments.
