ClassiPress Version 3.1.5

On October 7th, 2011, ClassiPress 3.1.5 (our WordPress classifieds theme) was released. This is an important security and bug release to primarily fix a potential XSS vulnerability reported by one of our customers, Paul Loftness. Upgrading is highly recommended to close this potential hole. Fixed 12 tickets total. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Upgrade Information

To download v3.1.5, visit AppThemes and login to your customer account. Existing customers can download the patch or the full version.


  • facebook connect loop issue
  • category selector missing go button issue
  • links on the profile page displayed html instead of link
  • header logo now properly links to the home page
  • potential XSS vulnerabilities in the Facebook and Twitter widgets
  • bug when saving ad pack on front-end form display
  • logging out redirect to root on wordpress sub-directory installs
  • issue when adding new coupons after upgrading from 3.1.3
  • issue with popular blog posts sidebar widget not showing correct number


  • enhanced the ajax category selector to handle unlimited categories
  • can now delete website logo from options page
  • includes new AppThemes framework

Files Modified

Modified      style.css
Modified      author.php
Modified      README-FIRST.txt
Deleted       includes/timthumb.php
Modified      includes/gateways/process.php
Modified      includes/theme-header.php
Modified      includes/sidebar-popular.php
Modified      includes/forms/step1.php
Modified      includes/forms/step3-membership.php
Modified      includes/theme-profile.php
Modified      includes/admin/admin-updates.php
Modified      includes/admin/admin-addons.php
Modified      includes/admin/admin-options.php
Modified      includes/admin/admin-scripts.js
Modified      includes/admin/admin-values.php
Modified      includes/admin/install-script.php
Modified      includes/theme-widgets.php
Modified      includes/theme-functions.php
Modified      includes/theme-comments.php
Modified      single-ad_listing.php
Modified      header.php
Modified      classipress.pot
Modified      classipress-no-admin.pot
Modified      functions.php
Modified      changelog.txt
Deleted       classipress.po
Deleted       classipress-no-admin.po
Added         framework/
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Popular Add-ons


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