Vantage Version 3.0.7

On July 6th 2016, Vantage 3.0.7 was released. This is a hotfix release in response to an important change Google made with their Maps API. Once you upgrade, make sure to follow our API key tutorial. Updating is highly recommended. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or login to your account and manually download the updated version the old fashioned way (less recommended).


  • Fixed Google Maps API requests
  • Minor bug in va_get_the_event_days() function when Event ID explicity set
  • Hide Orders “Add new” button on admin page
  • Date link in events is not working
  • Claimed listing disappear on the Claimed dashboard after moderation


  • Added styling support for new Stripe payment plugin (version 1.2.0+)
  • Disable Shortcodes in description field for non-admin users

Files Modified

Modified changelog.txt
Modified framework
Modified functions.php
Modified includes/admin/listing-single.php
Modified includes/events/event-form.php
Modified includes/events/load.php
Modified includes/events/template-tags.php
Modified includes/geo
Modified includes/listing-form.php
Modified includes/payments
Modified purchase-listing-existing-planless.php
Modified purchase-listing-existing.php
Modified style.css
Modified vantage.pot
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