Vantage Version 3.0.3

On August 26th 2015, Vantage 3.0.3 was released.This is a maintenance release that fixes the double password field issue triggered with the WordPress 4.3 update. Updating is highly recommended.

Upgrade Information

Use the AppThemes Updater Plugin to automatically update the theme, or login to your account and manually download the updated version the old fashioned way (less recommended).


  • Duplicate field showing on registration form after WP 4.3


  • There’s now only one password field in registration, profile and reset password pages (WP 4.3 or later)

Files Modified

Added    form-password-reset-fields.php
Added    form-registration-fields.php
Modified changelog.txt
Modified edit-profile.php
Modified form-password-reset.php
Modified form-registration.php
Modified functions.php
Modified includes/custom-post-type-helper.php
Modified includes/deprecated.php
Modified includes/emails.php
Modified includes/events/emails.php
Modified includes/listing-purchase.php
Modified scripts/scripts.js
Modified style-login.css
Modified style.css
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Vantage Video Embed

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