JobRoller Version 1.6

On May 19th, 2012, JobRoller 1.6 (our WordPress job board theme) was released. This is a major release. It addresses a handful of bugs and adds many new features. Upgrading is recommended for all 1.5 customers. Fixed 4 tickets total. A breakdown of tickets can be found below.

This version brings one of the more requested features on the Ideas Exchange, Job Alerts. Job seekers can now set alerts based on specific criteria and receive email notifications.

One of the main reasons this feature was not yet implemented was due to the limitations some web hosts impose on mass email. We decided that the best way to enable this feature would be to give site owners as many options as possible so each user could tweak the email depending on their host limitations. That’s exactly what we did.

Site owners can change settings like the number of emails to send at a given time, the number of jobs to send on each email and how often to send the job alerts. The email is also fully customizable, and can be sent in plain text, basic HTML or using an ordinary HTML template file. Because there’s always the possibility for site owners to not be able to send mass emails for some reason we’ve also added job alerts RSS feeds notifications.

Enabling this option will give each user it’s own unique RSS feed representing his unique job alerts criteria. Job seekers can use this feed to subscribe to a 3d party “feed to email” service like Feed My Inbox or FeedBurner or subscribe it as a normal RSS feed.

Other features include a complete job packs redesign and the addition of new options to allow a more seamless integration with all the site functionality. Packs can now be purchased from the dashboard and configured to be displayed on specific job categories, allow access to browse/view Resumes, offer free jobs, or enable job listers to feature jobs for free.

There’s also an option to limit the times a free pack can be used by each user so site owners can give their users the complete site experience for a limited time.

Lastly, this version adds several new hooks that will enable the use of additional job feeds plugins like Simply Hired, as well as theme customizations. More details on these soon.

Upgrade Information

Now you can automatically upgrade directly from your WordPress admin. Under “Appearance” => “Themes”, you’ll see an upgrade link next to JobRoller. If you don’t, check back later. The AppThemes upgrade check API runs twice a day. It’s important to note that using this auto updater will overwrite any custom coding done to the theme. Customers who have made theme code changes will need to manually upgrade instead.

If you prefer the old fashion way or have made core theme modifications (which is not recommended), visit AppThemes to download the zip file.


  • Paste from word in the job textarea. The ‘Paste from Word’ icon is now visible
  • Missing job and resumes icons on the dashboard menu, when using a child theme
  • Login page title displaying incomplete ‘login/register at’
  • Contact form sending emails without filling any fields


  • Added hooks to allow additional 3d party job feeds like ‘Simply Hired’
  • Complete overhaul to the Indeed feed and addition of new features:
    • Specify jobs source (job sites or direct employers)
    • Sort results by date or relevance
    • Multiple keywords allowed on each job query
    • CSS class for sponsored Indeed jobs
    • Cache Indeed frontpage results for better performance
    • Search Indeed jobs by radius
  • Job packs redesign
  • New job packs options:
    • Purchase from the employers Dashboard
    • Buy button on the job packs widget
    • Free job packs use limit. Limits the number of times a free pack can be used by each user
    • Offer additional jobs on each job pack
    • Allow featuring jobs for free from the available jobs on each job pack
    • Give employers additional access to browse/view resumes on each job pack
    • Any additional access is given for the duration of the pack and visible on the subscriptions tab
    • Choose job categories for each pack. Categorized job packs are only visible on jobs with the related job categories
    • Sort packs
    • Show/Hide pack job categories from employers
  • Pending payment job packs are now visible on the employers dashboard
  • Job alerts:
    • Job Alerts Email – multiple email formats:
      • plain text
      • basic HTML
      • full customizable HTML email templates
    • Job alerts RSS feeds
    • Job alerts subscribers list
  • Email notifications for job listers orders
  • Hookable theme styles and color schemes. Theme developers can hook into the new filters and actions to add new styles
  • Automatic custom theme styles loading. Any new CSS theme style detected on the (parent/child) styles folder will be selectable from the styles dropdown
  • Resumes dropdown months are now translatable
  • Hide resume contact button from resume authors
  • Hide resume author when resumes listings are Public
  • Replaced footer code into footer.php for easier customization and to avoid having to use the related hook
  • Started using improved database functions from the framework for existing JR tables
  • Added responsive design meta tags
  • Added Swedish currency to the available currencies symbols
  • Currency symbol visible on Resumes salary

Files Modified

Modified 	footer.php
Modified 	functions.php
Modified 	header.php
Added	 	images/access.png
Added 	 	images/available.png
Added 	 	images/cats.png
Added 		images/feed_32.png
Added 		images/icon-blue-folders.png
Added 		images/icon-calendar-select.png
Added 		images/icon-document-select.png
Added 		images/icon-key.png
Added 		images/information.png
Added 		images/no_access.png
Added 		images/not_available.png
Added 		images/ribbon-green-left.png
Added 		images/ribbon-green-right.png
Added 		images/ribbon-red-left.png
Added 		images/ribbon-red-right.png
Added 		includes/admin/admin-alerts-subscribers.php
Modified 	includes/admin/admin-enqueue.php
Modified 	includes/admin/admin-jobpacks.php
Modified 	includes/admin/admin-options.php
Modified 	includes/admin/admin-orders.php
Modified 	includes/admin/admin-post-types.php
Modified 	includes/admin/admin-style.css
Modified 	includes/admin/admin-values.php
Modified 	includes/admin/install-script.php
Modified 	includes/classes/orders.class.php
Modified 	includes/classes/packs.class.php
Modified 	includes/forms/confirm-job/confirm-job-form.php
Modified 	includes/forms/confirm-job/confirm-job-process.php
Modified 	includes/forms/edit-job/edit-job-form.php
Modified 	includes/forms/edit-job/relist-job-process.php
Added 		includes/forms/lister-packs/lister-packs-form.php
Added 		includes/forms/lister-packs/lister-packs-process.php
Modified 	includes/forms/preview-job/preview-job-form.php
Modified 	includes/forms/resume/contact_parts.php
Added 		includes/forms/seeker-alerts/seeker-alerts-form.php
Added 		includes/forms/seeker-alerts/seeker-alerts-process.php
Modified 	includes/forms/seeker-prefs/seeker-prefs-form.php
Modified 	includes/forms/seeker-prefs/seeker-prefs-process.php
Modified 	includes/forms/submit-resume/submit-resume-form.php
Modified 	includes/indeed/theme-indeed.php
Modified 	includes/js/theme-scripts.js
Modified 	includes/sidebar-user.php
Added 		includes/theme-alerts.php
Modified 	includes/theme-cron.php
Modified 	includes/theme-emails.php
Modified 	includes/theme-enqueue.php
Modified 	includes/theme-footer.php
Modified 	includes/theme-functions.php
Modified 	includes/theme-login.php
Modified 	includes/theme-resumes.php
Modified 	includes/theme-users.php
Modified 	includes/theme-widgets.php
Modified 	jobroller-no-admin.pot
Modified 	jobroller.pot
Modified 	loop-resume.php
Modified 	single-resume.php
Modified 	style.css
Added 		tmpl-alerts.html
Modified 	tpl-add-new-confirm.php
Modified 	tpl-job-seeker-dashboard.php
Modified 	tpl-myjobs.php
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